Erwin Schauman Kicks the Bucket! National Holiday Declared!

Day 1,027, 10:37 Published in Finland Finland by Erwin Schauman

Yes, it's time for me to hit the old dusty trail, back my bags, clean my desk, kick the virtual bucket, whamoosh, join the choir invisible, cease my metabolic processes, push up the daisies, run down the curtain and shuffle off my mortal coil!

This is an ex-Erwin Schauman!

Now, I remember promising that on the day I quit I'll write the most epic rage quit ever seen in the history of eRepublik, but as I started to write this article, I came to the realization that it's not the way I want to be remembered by those who still continue to play the game. My virtual personality, tarnished as it already may be, should be left to die in peace.

I realize the irony of writing a farewell article after having said that those who do it never quit as it's only a cry for attention. However, I felt obligated to properly end the saga of Erwin Schauman that began almost daily 2 years ago (I am actually a bit late with this article as I've had other writing stuff in the queue), and thank those players that provided me with entertainment and great, enlightening discussions. You know who you are.

Meeting different people and learning of cultures has been a most enjoyable experience. There are many I've met during my journey here that I would call a friend in real life, but unfortunately also many who turned out to be less than what they first seemed. But I suppose that is the way of things in an online culture – it gathers people from the extreme ends. Great people shine like jewels in the encroaching darkness. It is those jewels that make it all worthwhile. Both in this world as well as in the real one.

All too often people forget an important thing on the net – you aren't talking to pixels. You're talking to people. Human beings. Each one has feelings, desires and dreams. As 'fake' as the environment seems to be you can still touch souls over the net. Or you can hurt them. What we say and do still have consequences, and even in here we carry responsibility for our actions. So consider what you say and whose dreams you tread on.

But enough of this philosophical moralizing. That's not what you want to read about. You're interested in my TESTAMENT! And that's actually the main reason I am publishing this. I am tired of greedy vultures circling my corpse and bugging me with demands of gold...

Well, I never accumulated much wealth, sorry to disappoint. There's some 100 gold and various bits of cash. No companies, no houses, no weapons to speak of. Yes, I am the eRepublik version of the Buddha! Minus the enlightenment, of course. And the following. And the giant golden statue. Come to think of it, I am nothing like him.. oh well. I did say that I suck at comparisons, didn't I?

Now, I think it would be delightfully ironic to donate all my gold to the Admin account. Something tells me that they are going to need it... buuut I don't like beggars. The gold would probably go to fund all kinds of criminal organizations anyway so it would be a waste.

So, in order to avoid pickering I donated all my assets to the State of eFinland. Keep on fighting the good fight and try to keep the Finns that still torment themselves in eRepublik entertained. I am sorry but this soldier cannot carry on anymore.

All good things come to an end. Luckily, with my departure, apparently so do some bad things.

Well, I guess the only thing left to say is ”goodbye” so... goodbye! Well, that was easier than I thought. Must be due to me not logging in for the last week.

- Erwin Schauman

Ps. Oh, and those brave few who actually read this far I reward with the passwords to my organizations. First come, first serve!

Fox Corporation – l4z4ru5
The Disciples Treasury - d1sc1pl3

There's a third organization as well but it already belongs to the right person...