Erumaron announces candidature for Congress in Kyushu!

Day 758, 05:31 Published in Japan Japan by Erumaron
Today, I am proud to announce that I am running for re-election in Kyushu!

In recent days, our home region of Kyushu has been the center of a controversy that will have lasting effects on the entire world. While the temporary loss of our home is an unfortunate requirement of game mechanics, it is not something that should be looked upon in a negative light. Allowing the United States to pass through Kyushu in response to the Russian war declaration on China had to be done to bring hope to our Chinese friends and allies. Diplomatic solutions were attempted and could not bring Phoenix to realize their oppressive control of Chinese regions would not be tolerated any longer. I fully supported President Dokomo's decision to retreat Kyushu; it was the right thing to do.

The future of Kyushu is a bright one. The Q5 hospital and Q5 defense systems will be returned in the coming days and from there we will see a return of the economic stability our region is used to. We may even see economic growth thanks to the US export licenses that many companies were able to acquire at a discount.

I am proud to call this shining beacon of the righteous nation of Japan my home and I vow to ensure that Kyushu comes through this transitional period more prosperous than ever.

Vote for Erumaron on December 25th!
