eRomania is not Nemesis !

Day 1,607, 02:22 Published in USA Brazil by BlackMagicC

First of all i want to say hello to my faithful readers. Thank you for reading my newspaper.

Now let's get to the main topic. During the last week more and more articles appeard about a Romanian MU named Nemesis that tried to PTO Brasil. I read some of those articles and something realy upset me. I saw that Brasil realy thinks that eRomania supports Nemesis. Their argument was : " Why was a Nemesis member elected as CP ? This means eRomania supports them " . So i want to make this clear : Tudor Soim was elected as CP because everybody has faith in him and knows he will be a great CP..The second reason is his team..He has got a realy good and strong team despite of your idea Nemesis members are great players...Even so his team is made of more mu. Now that i made it clear i want to sent a message to Brasil and ALL TEDEN as my brother is a Romanian player (if you read my first article my dad is american buy i'm living in romania ) he told me that eRomania players are disgusted by Nemesis actions...SO i will send this message to EVERYBODY :


Hail Teden !

Bine prieteni toti stiti ca pe parcursul ultimelor saptamani Brazilia condamna eRomania ca din cauza noastra au ei probleme..stiti cu toti situatia cu Nemesis asa ca va rog sa votati si sa dati shout la acest articol in asa fel in cat toata lumea sa il vada si sa stie ca noi nu ii sustinem dar in acelasi timp nu ii condamnam !!

Hail Teden