eRepublik Risk - Season 3, Day 1

Day 1,656, 13:05 Published in Norway Norway by Stakerauo

Hey-o, readers! Anyone up for a third season of eRepublik Risk??
Rules and guide below; throw your roll!


How to play:
1. Choose a country to attack from!

2. Choose a country which you want your previously selected country to invade!

3. Post an as-detailed-as-possible comment in the commentsection below!
Example: France invades the coast of Northern Spain...

4. Every assult has an effect! The random roll, rolled by me at will decide how many regions your attack will consume!

5. The map will be updated once per day, and posted in a new article! Usually I will close the commentsection during the evening to get a more accurate result! (GMT+1)


1. You may only roll ONCE per day!
2. Ignore ingame alliances, and fight for the country you like the most, or simply just feels like fighting for!
3. You may only attack bordering nations!
4. Colonizing Africa and Asia is legal!

You can no longer propse unions!

Day 1:

Right click the picture and press "view image" if it's too small!

Original map in case you can't tell which country is which.