eRepublik Rising? Better Be

Day 948, 03:26 Published in Romania Romania by balcaniq

So finally, 10 months have passed from the Insider in which we were announced that two teams of programmers started the work on the new economic and war modules.

Lots of articles, commentaries, forum posts and discussions has been made on the V2 subject. It sure had to get at least a slight attention of all the 314,957 active citizens.

But the REAL active population, and I'm talking about the one that at least reads newspapers, votes for the presidential elections, fights in big wars or works regularly, can be involved enough in the game to buy gold.

THIS population surely knows the importance of subs, and checks the Insider - who got at one of the most important articles announcing THE BIG CHANGE just 3000 votes in three days ! Maybe just those are the ones willing to pay real money for gold...

As eRepublik Rising will engage a lot of gold spendings, people who pay out will progress. Those that don't, well... It will just be frustrating.

Oh, remember the McDonald's incident with the fried chicken head found in the chicken wing box? Well, it seems our headless chicken works a double shift, one at the eRepublik servers maintanance, and one at McDonald's. That's where she lost her head! Fortunately we got the chance to retrieve it.