Erepublik Outsider

Day 896, 13:26 Published in Hungary Hungary by montaigne
This is a parody, so no need to take it too seriously...

Dear Citizens of the New World!

The last Outsider showed how we live historical moments. Unfortunatelly on day 896 nothing happened, but still we can make a summary of the day.

-Uruguay's brave political elite decided to sign alliance with Malaysia. We are looking forward for the next thrilling event.
-Pakistan: After long debates the congress is voting about raising the minimal salary from 1 PKR to 2 PKR. We are crossing our fingers, this could be a milestone in the history of Pakistan.
-Portugal: has fulfilled one national goal. Well done Portugal, we are proud on you.
-Netherlands:The President of Netherlands demanded a sum of 1850 gold in exchange for a peace treaty with the United States. The citizens of the Netherlands are going to accept this proposal, we are looking forward for the answer from the USA.
-Singapore: The Top Rated News (as much as 17 votes in less than 4 hours) was about logamac's suicide announcement. Logamac, take care, we and all your 86 subscibers will miss you.
-Hungary. Troublemaker player named Feherlofia Koppany has been "...temporarily suspended for not using the official channel when contacting eRepublik Team." Citizens should understan😛 we have strict rules and rules must be enforced no matter what.
-Poland: We have identified an unfortunate and unexplainably high infant mortality rate. All the allied countries are worried about this phenomenon. Poor Polish babies hardly make it to the second day and they all die when they reach XP = 35. Thus we call it plague 35. We are trying to organise a donation found to send gifts to these babies in order to keep them alive. Any contributions are welcome.
-Croatia . More and more highly respected Croatian players are suspecting Hungarians for using multies. We hope they do not think about leaving the game due to frustration.

About the battlefields: today it wasn't anything unusual, just the boring trenchwars up and down.

The eRepublik Outsider team

PS. Mikrobi: translation to Hungarian svp!

Our piece of Land
eUSA is preparing for elections (RUS / ENG)
One day of a troll's life
Damn, we are bored

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Funny Citizenship Requests #2 .
Funny Citizenship Requests #3 .

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Nostradamus Project #2
Nostradamus Project #3

THE NOSTRADAMUS SERIES (Hungarian version in exclusive partnership with AndyMiller)
Nostradamus Project #Intro
Nostradamus Project #1
Nostradamus Project #2
Nostradamus Project #3

THE NOSTRADAMUS SERIES (Portuguese version translated by artiga)
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Nostradamus Project #1
Nostradamus Project #2

Open letter to the citizens of Czech Republic
Captured Presidential Speech
An article, which gave me 800 votes and 100 subs, but costed me a Temporary Ban