eRepublik Maxihellas back in action! by Tall_Niki

Day 1,348, 01:42 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki

I am very happy to announce you that eRepublik Maxihellas will be back in action the next fews days!!!! 🙂

3 months ago, eRepublik Maxihellas stopped working, because the connection between eRepublik API and Maxihellas was lost.

When this happened, I\'ve contact with George Lemnaru personally, about that matter.

He responded immediately and there were tries from eRepublik tech team (for about 10 days) to find which was the reason of the problem and to solve it.

Unfortunately the problem isn't solved and eRepublik tech team conclusion was that the problem was coming from Maxihellas.

I didn't had too many free time that period (if you will see my newspaper I didn't had any article from 15-5 until past week) and the whole thing stopped there.

Ι must admit that my lack of time that time didn't helped in the solution of the problem.

I love this game very much and as a person that loves numbers and stats, I decided to write a quite offensive article, in order the connection problem between eRepublik API and Maxihellas to be solved. Some times....our passion leads us to some hasty action...

George Lemnaru answered me with pm in order to comment my article and told me that the article was quite unfair to eRepublik, and he reminded to me that it had been a lot of tries from eRepublik staff in order the problem to be fix.

He had absolutely right, and that's why I've deleted my previous article. I overreacted without making any try to speak again with eRepublik staff and see the problem from the start now that I am having plenty of time compared with the last 3 months.

So....what's next...

The next days eRepublik tech team and me we will check together what is creating the problem in order to be fixed. We will analyze the codes of the sites very carefully and I believe that we will find the problem.

Meanwhile (from today) I started to work maxihellas database remotely from my pc (Maxihellas works perfectly in my pc) in order to update Maxihellas database with all the missed data of these 3 months.

All the updated data is visible to all. I want to clarify that:
a. The data given at today influence pages is for the period (12/5/2011 - until now).
b. The gold amount at today influence pages is completely wrong because maxihellas calculates the fights of all these 3 months as one single day.
c. All these progress is been made in order to update the database with the last data
d. The update buttons (at user and list pages) will not work until the connection problem between eRepublik API and Maxihellas will be fixed.

I think that the connection problem will be fixed in the next week because both sides (eRepublik and me) we have all the good will to see Maxihellas back in action!

Thank you