eRepublik is an amazing place to communicate with different people.

Day 753, 12:47 Published in USA USA by EvGenius

It's quite amazing if you really think about it. Here in eRepublik we have diversity of people from different countries all over the world.

Different cultures, different languages, different lifestyles mix together to produce a unique atmosphere. You can be in USA today, tomorrow you can visit China, next day you can be anywhere.

I think social aspect of the game should continue being developed. It will be great if people would be able to customize their citizen pages, for example. Changing avatar and posting shouts is not enough. I need an opportunity to create my virtual home which everybody can visit.

Newspaper system also requires improvement. It's an evil practice to show twoclickers only top 10 or 20 articles. Most people are too lazy to check out "Latest news" tab, they read just "Top rated news". This leads to exaggerated growing of votes count of top news and understated attention to other articles. Another consequence is that we usually have in top 10 too old news. They need to be old enough to get votes while they are "in a shadow" of current top news. For example, today an event happened, but articles about it will appear in top only one or two days after.

I hope this aspects of the game will be improved some time.