eRepublik inquisition

Day 1,520, 10:44 Published in Philippines Philippines by Marie von Gablitz

Today all citizens of eRepublik have revieved message from our dear Admin/Plato about the newest changes in the game.
Day when we have to say goodbye to toolboxes.
After V2 version of eRepublik came we were exposed to countless changes in the game, but lots of time have passed since V2 failed like pig farm in Iran.
Expression "Change" could be replaced with the words sanctioning,restriction etc...
Why do I think the word "Change" ended today? Simply answer is that there is no more changes in eRepublik and my thinking is based on todays admins actions
about Toolboxes and Organization.

Admins themselves have admit in their shouts that there is no change only elimination of some game options.
Elimination of something without replacing it with something new and different simply doesn't means a change.
If there are no more changes in game why then we don't call the following actions with their real name
( arbitrariness, sanctioning,restriction ).
Without any previous warning we are convicted to stay without Toolbox option soon.
Several times I said how I can understand admins decisions in game and even today I stay by my statement.

Toolbox represented one option connected with the economic part of the game, which worked on the lucky system where citizens had to collect five different items with goal to increase raw production in their land.
If toolbox represented random lucky option why is it shuting down ?
Even with the lucky element toolboxes provided extra profit to the citizens from their raw companies ( don't know should I call that even companies or just LAND ) and we can
fool ourselves with many justifications but somewhere we all know that making extra profit in eRepublik via game mechanics without using credid cards is just against eRepublik business policy.
Calculation is simply:
Toolbox = extra citizen profit , extra citizen profit = less RL money for admins

Most interesting question is what will eRepublik citizens do about it ?
I can say , we wont do anything as usual.
Every miracle last three days and after that time we will accept this as we accepted everything else so far.
Long time ago all citizens were degraded from citizen status to farmers.
Once we lived in super modern towns and today we are subordinates to the admins as feudals to their masters.
Older citizens remembers how we lived before like respected citizens.

Sine we accepted that humiliation shuting down Tollbox isn't worth of any attention and spending our time thinking about it.
My good friend Slothen said me once how Realms change through time.
According to that we are able to see how eRepublik actions would look like in Medieval and Modern times.

Note for the admins: We play eRepublik because the people here and our frienship, thats the only thing you can't ever change,destroy or charge.

Your Farmer
Marie von Gablitz