eRepublik(for all countries)

Day 703, 04:24 Published in Greece Greece by markos28

I hear ave all the time...but i didnt heared it,even once, for my country or a lot of other it should be nice to say a big ave for all the countries and all players in eRepuplik game...for spending their spare time playing here and making eRebuplik a great game ...

These are all the countries in eRebublik game text ..and you will see next to each country their stats..

USA text , Hungary text, Russia text , Serbia text , Poland text , Spain text , Croatia text, Indonesia text , Romania text , Iran text , France text , United Kingdom text , Argentina text , Greece text , Brazil text , Canada text ,Lithuania text ,Turkey text, Bosnia and Herzegovina text , Sweden text , China text , Ukraine text , Australia text , Latvia text ,Venezuela text , Germany text , Peru text , Chile text , Italy text , Malaysia text ,Colombia text , Mexico text , Portugal text , Finland text , Netherlands text , Japan text , Ireland text , Estonia text , Uruguay text , Slovenia text , Paraguay text , Bulgaria text , Norway text , India text , South Africa text ,Israel text , Moldavia text , Bolivia text , Slovakia text , Philippines text , Singapore text , Austria text , Switzerland text , Denmark text ,Czech Republic text , South Korea text , Pakistan text , North Korea text

We hope soon more countries to join let hear from all of you a great ave for eRepublik..