eRepublik - an RPG experience [Ro/En] republicare.

Day 592, 01:56 Published in Romania Romania by Mistwalker

Sursa aici:
25 days ago

Scriu acest articol pe de o parte ca urmare a anuntului noului presedinte Smif de a incepe reorganizarea armatei si ca un preludiu la cele ce vor urma.

Erepublik este un joc, simulator social, politic, economic si militar. Acum in acest scop developerii jocului in netarmurita lor intelepciune au decis sa implementeze un modul pentru fiecare din aceste domenii, faza e ca desi aparent ele sunt de sine statatoare depind unele de altele, economia e dependenta de resurse care au fost plasate in mod dezechilibrat pe harta fortand razboaie intre tari, decizia de a porni un razboi este luata de catre presedinte, sustinut de congres, pentru a dobandi aceste pozitii intra in joc modulul politic care ofera pozitiile de putere, pozitii hotarate in mod natural de majoritatea cetatenilor influentati in deciziile lor de catre dedicatia, actiunile, ideile si competenta membrilor marcanti ai societatii.

Pana aici nimic nou, partea interesanta incepe cand *tu* un aparent cetatean de rand atingi nivelul 6 si ti se prezinta in fata oportunitatea de a iesi din anonimatul de 2-clicker (work&train) si decizi sa te implici activ in zumzetul vietii din eRepublik. Este atat de usor, inimaginabil de usor sa fii cineva in acest joc unde o multime de bariere prezente in RL dispar sau sunt mai simplu de depasit sau ocolit. In eRepublik nu mai esti persoana care bate la tastatura la ora 2 noaptea ca nu poate dormi, in eRepublik esti proiectia mentala a acelei persoane si acea proiectie ai posibilitatea sa o modelezi in ce fel vrei tu, pornind de la "tangibilul" materialism (firme, bani, aur, arme, etc) pana la a iti defini propria moralitate si set de valori etice in joc precum si mod de participare (politician, ziarist, lider de opinie, manager sau soldat).

Un lucru pe care noi nu il apreciem pe deplin este ca in aceeasi comunitate toate aceste patternuri de gandire sau roluri pot conlucra pornind de la diverse puncte comune: nationalitate, trasaturi, intelegere reciproca si scop.

Partea pe care nu o inteleg multi este ca desi jocul ofera multe ramificatii in ceea ce priveste directia pe care o ia cetateanul tau, este o idee proasta pentru un jucator cu implicare medie sa incerce sa avanseze in toate aceste ramuri simultan. In clipa de fata eRomania ca tara se afla la un punct important de rascruce, exceptand baza de jucatori destul de avansata suntem din nou la momentul zero, intre granitele originale cu resurse minime la dispozitie, datorii, dusmani dar si aliati puternici. Nimic din toate acestea nu valoreaza nimic totusi daca noi nu putem fi uniti ca si popor, nu o sa contam pentru nimic in lume:

- daca fiecare economist o sa mearga sa fondeze firme de manufactura sau constructii in alta tara pentru ca ii convin mai mult taxele, muncitorii si culoarea la moneda - cu un pic de efort moneda Romaniei o sa aibe cel mai frumos rasunet din lume;

- daca fiecare soldat care se angajeaza sa lupte pentru patrie si interesele patriei pana la ultima rasuflare stramba din nas si da fara arme pentru ca el strange bani sa ia bratari la femei - in momentul in care ai imbracat o uniforma militara te arati dispus la sacrificii supreme doar pentru ca esti soldat, asta nu te face mai prost sau mai sarac decat altii, asta te face mai puternic, mai determinat, mai mandru ca valoarea ta in joc este data direct de sacrificiul cauzei tale;

- daca fiecare om cu o limba ascutita si cu o minte agera prefera sa acuze, sa ironizeze, sa puna piedica si sa batjocoreasca pe cei care incearca sa cladeasca ceva, sa organizeze, sa creeze si sa impinga acest tren inapoi pe o panta ascendenta astfel indepartand sustinatorii sai - suntem in Infern si exista un bolovan mare numit Romania si un Sisif care se opinteste la el, poti sa stai sa scrii despre ce se intampla, sa iti bati joc de el sau poti sa pui umarul alaturi de el, fiecare gand care impinge impotriva obstacolului il micsoreaza, unitatea in idei il va spulbera;

- daca fiecare politician nu stie decat sa spuna cu UGD a fost bine, PL va scoate din kkt, ati ignorat eRoU si sa se contrazica fundamental cu restul o sa ne afundam doar mai adanc pentru ca de la o tura de alegeri la alta se va pierde cel mai important lucru, continuitatea reformelor, este un drum lung si ingust si nu ne putem permite sa-l ingustam si mai mult prin gandire - in aceasta luna s-a intamplat ceva extraordinar, s-a pus orgoliul pentru prima oara deoparte pentru ceva, s-a lasat orgoliul deoparte si s-a ales o singura voce sa vorbeasca pentru cetateni, vocea sacrificiului pentru Romania, a venit dintr-o parte unde nimeni nu asteapta disciplina si conformare - bravo.

Toate aceste roluri trebuie jucate mai departe la eficienta maxima, trebuie sa atingem perfectiunea in a fi uniti, in a sti cand sa lasam de la noi, cand sa cerem si mai ales cand sa daruim. In urmatoarele luni UNITATEA noastra va determina daca Romania ca si tara si simbol in lume va urca pe culmi mai marete ca inainte sau daca se va prabusi pentru totdeauna in uitare.

eRomanians everywhere, Unity in Role Playing and Role Community !

Asta a fost acum o luna: NE DESCURCAM BINE, NU????
*end sarcasm*

I'm writing this article on one side as a result of our new presidents announcement to begin the reorganisation of the army and as a prelude to that which is about to happen.

Erepublik is a game, social, political, economic and military simulator. Now in this purpose the game developers in their unchartered wisdom have decided to implement a module for each of these fields, the thing is that even if they apparently are self-sufficient they actually depend one on another. Economy is dependent on resources which we're unevenly placed on the map forcing war betwen countries, the decision to start a war is taken by the president, voted by congress, to gain all these position you need the political module which offers the positions of power, position naturally decided by a majority of citizens who are influenced in their decision-making by the dedication, actions, ideas and competence of the most high-standing members of society.

So far nothing new, the interesting part begins when *you* an apparent average citizen reach level 6 and are presented with the oportunity to come out of the annonimous 2-clicker (work&train) status and decide to implicate yourself actively in the humming of everyday life in eRepublik. It's so easy, unimaginably easy to be someone in this game where a lot of barriers present in RL dissapear or simply become easier to get over or around. In erepublik you are no longer the person typing on his keyboard at 2 am because he can't sleep , in eRepublik you are the mental projection of that person and that projection you have the possibility to shape in whatever way you want to, starting from the tangible materialism (companies, money, gold, weapons, etc) and going as far as defining your own morality and set of ethical values in the game as well as your own way to participate ( politician, journalist, opinion former and leader, manager or soldier ).

A thing we don't really fully apreciate is that in the same community all these thought patterns or roles can work together starting from various common grounds: nationality, character traits, mutual goals and understanding.

The part most people don't understand is that even though the game offers many ramifications in what concerns the direction your citizen takes, it's a bad ideea for a player with medium-level involvement to try to advance in all of these branches at the same time. At the moment Romania as a country is at a crossroads, excepting the high-level base of players we are again at the zero moment, between our own borders with minimum resources at our disposal, debts , enemies but also strong allies. But nothing of this is worth anything if we can't be united as a people, we won't matter for anything in the worl😛

- if every economist will go and start companies in manufacturing or constructions in another country because the taxes suit him better and so do the workers and color of the coin there - with a little effort the Romanian currency will have the most beautiful sound in the world again.

- if every soldier who commits himself to fighting for his country and the countries interests until his last breath scowls and fights without weapons because he's saving money to buy women bracelets - in the moment you dress a military uniform you show yourself willing to do the supreme sacrifice just because you are a soldier, this doesn't make you dumber or poorer than others, this makes you stronger, more determined, more proud that your value in the game is shown directly by the sacrifice made to your cause as a warrior;

- if every man with a sharp tongue and a swift mind preffers to acuse, to ironise, to meddle and make fun of those who try to build something, to organise, to create and to push this train back on track.. and drive away his followers - we are in Hades and there's a fairly large boulder called Romania and a Sisyphus putting his strenght against it, you can stay and write about what's happening, mock him or you can put your shoulder and your strenght alongside him, every thought pushing against the obstacle makes it smaller, unity in ideas will shatter it;

- if every politician only knows how to say with eUGD it was better, PL will take us out of this s*** hole , you ignored eRoU and fundamentally contradict himself with others we will only sink in deeper because from one round of elections to the other the most important thing will be lost, continuity in reforms, it is a long and narrow path and we can't afford to make it even narrower with our way of thinking - in this last month something extraordinary happened, a lot of pride was set aside for the first time for a greater goal, ego was cast aside and a single voice was chosen from among the citizens to speak for them, it came from a side of life where no one expected to find discipline and conformity - good job.

All these roles must be played on at maximum efficiency, we need to reach perfection in being united, in knowing when to let things slide, when to ask and most importantly when to give. In the next months our UNITY will determine in Romania as a country and symbol in the world will climb to heights greater than before or if it will tumble down into oblivion forever.

eRomanians everywhere, Unity in Role Playing and Role Community !
