Day 857, 03:36 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Rumpil


We can watch this all day in ADMIN TV


5:55 Ending lags - monoscope

(click to make bigger)

9.00 "CET" new day - breakfast - L6 on the table

9:10 Starving users on strike - hot news !

10:00 API news - counting real players

10:05 API news - counting multies

11:00 Admin council - To Do List

11:45 Technical break - admins have lunch

12:00 Multy operators starts: 701/99999 part

13:00 Admins back - chicken on dinner

13:50 Complaints Report


16:00 Gold auction - MOD FP giving

17:30 Technical break - admins have dinner - the rest from chicken

17:59 End of break

18:00 MM market - secret transfers monitoring


18:10 Trolling soap opera - 124/9999 part - "Rumpil at home"

18:50 Weather - erep war lags for next 2 dnů

19:00 EREP news - Updates and upgrades

19:03 Ads about V2

19:09 Ads about V2

19:15 Ads about V2

19:21 Ads about V2

19:29 End of EREP news

19:30 War news - EDEN victories

19:55 War news - Phoenix victories

20.00 Film: Czech PTO, they love country, they do not speak czech.

21:00 Talk-show: Discussion about Smrtan's origin
Last news - he is Afroamarican !

22:00 Lana story (erotic film)


22:30 Napoleon story (porn)
(censored pic of phoenix warrior)

23:00 From our archives - memorials:
Where is polish destroyed transmitter ?
Lawful war against Germany ?

23:30 Spammer's news

00:00 Wrestling show: BattalGazi vs Rumpil (link)

00:03 President speech to public: (I was sleeping, sorry for that attack button)

01:00 Secret script projects: Gold from air

02:50 Babyboom - 12 pcs.


03:00 Multyboom - 1250 pcs.


04:00 Thriller: Erasing from the map

05:50 Comedy: Phoenix attacks

06:40 Troll must go work....