eRep is being stupid, and honestly I am not enough

Day 2,333, 19:07 Published in USA USA by crashthompson.

Seriously, I am using IE to write this. For some reason in Chrome whenever I go to write a new article it just wants me to edit my last article.

Any way, as I read Apollo and JLo articles I realized, yea I really am not on IRC enough. Honestly I scout the Fed Forums lots, reading up and such, but rarely do I post in the Fun threads. I am definitely not the example of activity that these two are pushing.

The Fed Party is a great party, it deserves a great PP. More importantly a disgustingly obsessed post count whoring irc loving PP. Yea, that's not what I am about. I prefer to support. I prefer to get some stuff done, usually in the background. I don't write good media unless I really, really, really try. Its not my thing.

Anyway, my proposed Cabinet looks something like this

VP - WookyJack. This guys is awesome. He covers my weakness, media and IRC activity. He is excited, has energy, does awesome stuff. Its what I need to balance me.

CoS - Index Infinity, he has been in the last few rounds of leadership. I want some consistency in terms of that. Not only in Fed Leadership, he has been taking the lead in DHS and just leaving marks everywhere.

Political Director - Trekker, but he backed out. Thinking Ubuntu but I honestly haven't talked to him yet. But the idea was to get someone new as PD. More importantly someone who was willing to bring/start political conversations on the Fed Forums. To make sure that Feds who weren't that active on the eUS forums still were aware of current events. To help the Feds develop or atleast discuss some issues and stances. It doesn't matter if we disagree as long as we can discuss.

Recruitment Director - Dark Apollo. The guy has been a solid recruiter. Works on keeping leadership up to date on new join ins. He has worked on getting workers and training replacements. Some work out, some don't. But he tries to make sure Feds who are interested in helping the party have a place to go and make an impact.

Retention Director - Tyler Bubblar. This guy has drive. This guy has purpose. I wanted him to help Feds come in, find the forums and more importantly find purpose. He has it, I want him to share it with the rest of us.

Fun Director - DK3. This guy has taken the lead for the fun dept for a while. He has come up with games, scavenger hunts, scenarios, etc... He is a great big plan fun creator. Do we need spam boards, yes. But its nice to offer raffles and bring other games into the meta. I want him to keep doing that.

Media Director - Paul Proteus. With his return Paul was a natural pick for media. He is just great at it. One of my favorite things when he was PP were his articles. I mean he did other things too. But I like a CP who keeps us in the loop and who has strong writing skills. Yea, I don't. I need him to help me get the Fed message regularly into the Top 5.

Treasury - Jefferson Locke. He is one of the creators of an initial treasury. I know we had one before that. The idea seems to come and go. It shouldn't go though. In an earlier run I wanted to bring it back. I still do.

Technology - Blonde Ninja. She ran it before, she became PP and it kinda disappeared. We have this talent, we need to keep it involved in all depts. I want it officially back to its own dept so that they are aware of all other department activities and can make suggestions and assist where needed.

FBI - Apollo. Currently he is training a replacement. I hope to get that guy in soon but as a steady hand Apollo will keep leading the dept for now.

Fed Ex - Raidoh, just took over the department not that long ago.

Anyway, I am still running. But honestly, give the other guys a look over and read their articles.

JLo -

Apollo -

By now your thinking, long wall of text. I know.
Thanks for reading it.

Think about it, be P/H, vote and either way the Feds will rock.

And either way, I will be around somewhere, doing something.