eRep in Maps - November 11th

Day 722, 19:09 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Yesterday's Article

Editor's Note
Today Indonesia voted to declare war on Malaysia. If and when Indonesia attacks, expect it to be in Southern Thailand, as that is not a core Malaysian region and wont activate Malaysia's MPPs.

Also, today Dark Soldier joined the paper to help me put this thing out.

Our full staff at the moment:
Dark Soldier
Allan Dobrowolski


* Poland attacked the Hungarian occupied territory of Central Slovakia. This was to keep initiative in the war as...

* Hungary secured Eastern Slovakia against the Polish attack. The hero for Hungary was Hungarian Field Marshal Nyuli, earning his first battle hero award. The hero for Poland was the Super POG Sadix.

* The resistance in Bratislava was defeated by Hungary. The hero for the resistance was Croatian supertank ratrak, sporting a Hungarian Elite avatar. Yes, very clever. Truly I was almost fooled. The hero for Hungary was Turkish Tank Diabolus1907, who I do believe is sporting an Ataturk avatar.

* At this point, EDEN had enough, and decided the blitzkrieg approach might be better, starting resistance wars in all the occupied Slovak territories: Bratislava, Western Slovakia, Central Slovakia and Eastern Slovakia, and then had Poland attack Easter Slovakia to make a double whammy. Remember: double whammies are not retreat-able. The resistance wars were started, from left to right, by Polish POG Andrew6w6, Spanish tank Kaylee, Croatian field marshal webstartm, and finally Romanian mihail.cazacu. I'd like to thank Poland for attacking Eastern Slovakia, as that made this a heck of a lot easier to map clearly. 😛

* Just to make sure that Hungary knew that EDEN meant business, a resistance war was started in the formerly (like at the beginning of time sort of formerly) Danish territory of Syddanmark by the Finn Gabriel Lavanche, who I do believe is the assistant supreme commander of EDEN.

* Serbia has attacked the Croatian region of Slavonia. Serbia and Croatia do not get along. I do not expect Serbia to go all out to win Slavonia, and I expect Croatia to only put up the minimum damage to ensure the region is secured, as both countries militaries are, well, busy elsewhere. The two clickers will have a good time though taking this battle very seriously.


* North Korea attacked Far Eastern Russia, activating all of Russia's MPPs. Now, there are no real North Koreans playing eRep, as all North Koreans are required to march around in Mass Games all day and are usually shot after having their nipples torn off if they are found out to have accessed the internet, which leaves North Korea as one country in essence in a permanent state of PTO. Now, someone correct me if I'm too far off base here, but currently the congress is completely controlled by 'The Most Dangerous Game' party, which is friendly to EDEN and pals. However the president that was elected in the most recent election, habervalery35, is a Russian ally, and was elected by I presume Russian infiltrators. Upon getting the presidency, after discovery all the money was already removed from the treasury, he attempted to declare war on Iran. No go there. Since a war with Russia was already open, the easiest way to remove North Korea from the map was to attack a Russian home region, activate all of Russia's MPPs and then let Russia come in and mop up. Presumably to then set North Corea up as Shaolin Korea. habervalery35's last shout links to an article about North Corea somehow working to join with Finland by going through Russia, or something of that nature. Alfanasiy Drago, the last president, has an article as well detailing his side of what is going on as well. I highly recommend the comments in that article. Fun stuff.

* In conjunction with the wave of resistance wars in Europe, a resistance has started in Heilongjiang against Hungary. The resistance war was started by Durruti, a Norwegian beta giant.

Closed Training Wars

* The Russia training war in Kangwon ended today.

* The Indonesian training war in Fujian ended.

* Latvia and Lithuania both headed back home after pretending to duke it out in Samogitia.

Opened Training Wars
* None! Too much serious business going on in the world.

Thanks for reading, and if you wouldn't mind, could you vote up the touring edition of this paper? It's in Italy today!