eRep in Maps Day 1,226

Day 1,226, 01:27 Published in USA USA by General Cornrow Wallace

Date: March 30, 2011
Time: 12:20AM PST

BREAKING NEWS:Poland has attacked Oaxaca, USA. Saw it after publishing. Damn people sure love to attack in the middle of my writing...

World map is back! No more crappy 'meanwhile in...' pics! Let us all rejoice! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

Ok, down to business.

No active battles on the Polish front(as of yet.) They were successful in repelling a Mexican uprising in the Gulf of Mexico, they conquered the rubbery region of Southeast of Mexico from the US, and took over Baden-Wurrttenberg from Germany. Also, the proposal to declare the US the natural enemy of Poland passed through Polish congress.

In Spain, they continue to drive deeper into France, attacking the Loire Valley region. A tight battle, it is tied at 5-5 currently. They also continue to erase their neighbor, Portugal, conquering Lisboa. Brazil meanwhile, continue their own drive into Spanish territory, winning a fiercly contested battle in Castilla La Mancha.

I reported yesterday that China proposed Japan as natural enemy, and rejected an MPP proposal from the US. According to some stuff I read on the eUS forums, this is a mere landswap between Japan and China. Not really important, but it's not very active so far, so why not report it.

Edit: As commented on this article by Lyuline, a Japanese congress member:

The Chinese attack on Kyushu is no mutually agreed swap. They decided that on their own.

We might need some help : 3
(if you are bound in Europe, at least tell our "ally" EDEN that attacking allies in times of a World War sucks.)

In Bulgaria, Iran continues to push into her regions, attacking Balochistan. The battle here has been heated, with Bulgaria holding a 7-6 lead. The Pakistani rebels have started a resistance war in the region of Punjab. Bulgaria leads here 3-0.

Mid-writing update: Bulgaria secured Balochistan, and immediately immediately countered in Sistan and Baluchistan. 0-0 at the moment.

Onto the main course. This QUAD! battle pic is a first for me.

The Republic of Macedonia(FYROM)continues their assault on Italy, attacking the Aosta Valley region. RoM leads the battle here 5-1 currently. This is the 10th campaign between RoM and Italy, and the first one in which Italy has won a mini-battle. That is shocking.

Serbia continues their Croatian domination, fending off a resistance war in Istria and Kvaner, and launching a strike in North Dalmatia. This battle just opened up, and is tied at 0-0.

A Hungarian double-whammy. They have attacked the Romanian region of Maramures, after fending off a Romanian attack on Transilvania. The Huns lead the battle here 1-0. The Romanian rebels have launched their third resistance war in Crisana, and are getting absolutely decimated, with Hungary leading 7-0.

Not picture😛
Finally, we end up in Turkey. They won the battle in Marmara, and they continue their assault on Greece, attacking the region of Peloponnese. This is another battle that has recently started, and as such is tied up at 0-0.

Almost forgot, the Indonesian proposal to declare China a natural enemy passed their congress, and they have since attacked Tamil Nadu. Indonesia leads the battle here 1-0.

Nothing newsworthy today.

Finally, the TnA.

Oh Misa Campo. I'd love to lick all that chocolate off you.