eRep in Maps - August 30th.

Day 649, 20:37 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

Yesterday's Article

Editor's note
It's late, I'm tired, so I dub this one the 'sloppy edition'. 😛

North America
Fortis keeps PEACE under attack, goes for the big ones

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* Nevada was conquered by USA in the war versus Indonesia. The President of Indonesia has retreated from the battlefield. The American hero was US citizen Killing Time. The Indonesian hero was Indonesian citizen bringthenoise.

* Oregon was conquered by the Resistance Force in the war versus Indonesia. PEACE was fighting to liberate this region. Note that this gives Hungary a border with the US. The Indonesian hero was the Indonesian marine anonreturns. The US hero was the Indonesian tank Aquinas. Note everyone got the message apparently.

* Canada attacked Saskatchewan, Hungary. Note this attack prevents Hungary from doing anything about it's new border with the US. Hungary was also at this point pinned down by Canada's attack on Nunavut.

* A resistance has started in Montana by the Finn Lilla_T on behalf of America.
* Canada attacked Montana, Hungary as well. Note that Hungary must win both battles to keep Montana.

* Nunavut was secured by Hungary in the war versus the Resistance Force. The Hungarian hero was the Turk, kartal_4vr. The Canadian hero was the Hungarian Zhas. Zhas was apparently after the medal.
* Hungary also secured Nunavut against Canada's attack. The Canadian hero was the Pole Miles Teg. The Hungarian hero was Hungarian DarthVadR.

* A resistance has started in Delaware by Portuguese citizen Raikael. This is per contract, as Portugal failed to return Delaware in the last attempted landswap of the state, thus Portugal must bear further cost in returning the state. Marking as landswap.

* A resistance has started in Vermont by the Swede ScymeX on behalf of the USA.
* Canada attacked Russian held Vermont. Note that Russia must win both battles to keep Vermont.

* Idaho was secured by Russia in the war versus the Resistance Force The American hero was the Swede Kalle Holm. The Russian hero was parter.
* Idaho was secured by Russia in the war versus Canada. The Canadian hero was Romanian Crazy Man. The Russian hero was parter, again. This is parter's 14th hero award.

* The big one: The USA attacked Indonesian held California. Expect Fortis and allies to pull out all the stops to take this state.

* The landswap for West Virginia was completed.

* The other big one: Canada attacked Ontario, France. Canada works to recapture one of it's economic heartland states. At this point Canada has four open battles. Not bad, eh?

Multiple theaters of fun!
reported by Pangolin

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* Castilla La Mancha was conquered by the Resistance Force in the war versus France. The Spanish hero was the Spanish tank Pluvio. The French hero was French citizen Housicker.
* A resistance was started early on Day 649 in French-occupied Extremadura, Spain, by the Croatian Dmitar Zvonimir II. Croatians have been starting a lot of the recent Spanish resistance wars.

* Nordjylland was secured by Hungary against the Swedish invasion. The hero for Sweden was Zyrlex, a Swedish colonel with 17.9 strength picking up his first battle hero award after 152 fights. The defending hero was the Hungarian General, Chutaiko, who did half the damage and has half the strength of Zyrlex but nevertheless picked up his second battle hero award in 521 fights. Weapons really are the gift that keeps on giving.

* The President of Germany - and the last vestige of power for the recently-evicted Polish PTO, Adam Blayer - was impeached. As both of August's presidential candidates in Germany have been impeached, the election winner Gobba has returned to office. The new German congress has been busy today, signing a peace treaty with Italy and MPPs with Hungary and France.

* Serbia attacked the Croatian fortress of Slavonia. With its Q5 hospital and defense system and 2576 citizens, Slavonia would be an expensive sacrifice for Croatia to make to help their US ally liberate California - and this division of forces is likely the Serbian goal in attacking here.

* Turkey invaded the Greek Aegean Islands, again. This region has no resources or infrastructure, but is a major stepping-stone to mainland Greece. The officially-neutral Turkey seems to invade Greece whenever PEACE needs a diversion, though it is theoretically possible that the motivation for this invasion is opportunism - and it is unclear at this time if this will be part of a larger invasion.

Closed Training wars
* See previous days maps for locations of started training wars.
* Sabah was secured by Malaysia in their training war versus Philippines.

Thanks for reading!