eRep in Maps and Stats - August 31th.

Day 650, 19:02 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

Yesterday's Article

Editor's note
When Murcia was liberated in Spain I forgot to color it in the on the map. It's fixed as of today. Also, in the stats section I had compiled the stats before Ontario had finished, so that battle is not included. Finally, my experiment with publishing outside the USA is done with phase one. I think I will continue to publish the US version, buy may start publishing the second copy in a random country every day. So, if you don't want to check the US media, subscribe if you wish to continue seeing this, as I may move the second version around a lot.

North America

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* A resistance has started in Indonesian occupied Hawaii by Michael Lewis. The primary purpose of this is to draw off Indonesian attacks from California. Don't expect Indonesia to take the bait.

* Canada attacked Hungarian occupied Nunavut, as well as having the Finn Lilla_T start a resistance in Nunavut. Remember, this keeps Hungary from attacking anyone and requires that Hungary win both battles to keep the province.

* Saskatchewan was secured by Hungary in the war versus Canada. The Hungarian hero was the Hungarian Younk. The Canadian hero was Canadian citizen henker.

* Montana was secured by Hungary in the war versus the Resistance Force. The American hero was Iranian motahar. This was motahar's first hero award, so we can assume motahar fought not to liberate, but to win the award! The Hungarian hero was Hungarian Griffmadar.
* Montana was secured by Hungary in the war versus Canada. The Canadian hero was Polish citizen Karolina Jesieniecka. The Hungarian hero was Hungarian Gelger.

* On the second try, the landswapping of Delaware from Portugal to the USA succeeded. Portugal has two US states left to landswap back, but remember, at this point it is Emerick who controls when those will be returned.

* A resistance has started in Idaho by Romanian Mesther on behalf of the USA against the Russian occupiers.
* Canada attacked Russian occupied Idaho as well. Both the resistance war and the Canadian attack were implemented because of the impending closure of the battles in Vermont.

* Vermont was secured by Russia in the war versus Canada. The Russian hero was Turkish citizen IExorcism. The Canadian hero was ROCA, a Theocrat (ex-Swiss) and now sporting South Korean citizenship. Remeber the Theocrats are aligned with Fortis/EDEN and with the loss of Switzerland, decided to PTO the newly emergent South Korea, instead of liberating Switzerland again. Of course, Japan worked with non-theocrats in South Korea to surrender South Korea back to Japan, leaving the Theocrats temporarily homeless again.
* Vermont was secured by Russia in the war versus the Resistance Force. The Russian hero was parter, the Russian who frankly is out medaling everyone. The American hero was the Swedish super tank Bic deWille.

* In an epic battle Indonesia, along with the combined might of PEACE (minus Portugal) threw back the American attack on California. There were almost 96,880 fights total. The battle was so huge, that for the last thirty minutes of it, eReps servers failed to handle the load, with random logouts, 404s, complaints from the MySQL server about too many connections leaking through, timeouts, and missing fight buttons, not to mention the vast swarms of headless chickens being distributed like candy on Halloween. Specifically Necco Wafers: everyone gets them but nobody wants them. With that, the US looses initiative. With no other Fortis/EDEN allied country bordering Indonesia, they effectively control the board, at least until the new retreat module is rolled out. The US now needs to hunker down and prepare to defend again should Indonesia attack, or find a way to bring an ally into position to border Indonesia. That or hope that Indonesia doesn't attack back. The Indonesian hero was Indonesian super tank, flik_kenni, strength 21+ doing a total of 36,096 damage. The American hero was Dio Maksas, 19+ strength, tank sporting South Korean citizenship and a boatload of Theocrat friends among other friends. Presumed a Theocrat, or Theocrat aligned, given the South Korean citizenship. Regardless, Dio Maksas did 22,626 damage.

* Indonesia, feeling pleased with it's new initiative, attacked Arizona.

* In another big battle, Canada liberated Ontario from the French. Canada succeeded today in liberating one of their core territories, where the US could not. The Canadian hero was Polish citizen Karolina Jesieniecka. The French hero was RodrigoOvidiu, a Romanian. The wall in Ontario was pretty deep, so this was evidently for the battle hero award.

reported by Pangolin

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* A resistance was started in Catalonia by evighet - who was likely trying to preemptively draw French fighters away from Asturias, but who has instead been left wondering why Spanish citizens keep fighting each other to be the battle hero for France.
* The Spanish Field Marshal MVerslayer began a resistance war to reclaim Asturias, a very important high iron region which France has fortified since capturing.
* Extremadura was liberated from France by the Spanish Resistance. The hero for France was the Brazillian General Maluco Beleza. The hero for Spain was Fredrikstadtilian, a Theocratic South Korean recently returned to - and now identifying with - Croatia. This resistance was started by the Croatian Dmitar Zvonimir II.

* Serbia was unable to take Slavonia away from Croatia. The Serbian hero was the Pakistani citizen Trichoplax, who is currently the second-ranked resident of Serbia. BorKan was the hero for Croatia, and in keeping with the theme of the day, he is currently the second-ranked citizen of Croatia.

* A resistance was started in Chisinau by Danylo Halytskyj, the President of Ukraine. Chisinau is an Ukrainian-occupied region of Moldavia - a small nation which is entirely occupied by the Ukraine, while the Moldavian population has moved to Romania. A Romanian group recently took control of the Ukrainian congress and has signed an agreement with the Ukrainian President whereby Moldavia will be liberated - in the words of the Ukrainian President "Ukraine does not want to rule over different countries because we do not want other countries ruling over us". This is not your run-of-the-mill (run-of-the-treasury?) PTO.

* The Aegean Islands remained Greek as the Turkish invasion was repelled. The battle hero for Turkey was the Turkish General muratozcirpici. The battle hero for Greece was Geokos, currently the second-ranked Greek citizen.

* Latvia returned to their training war in Samogitia, Lithuania.

reported by Pangolin

* The Philippines returned to their training war in Sabah, Malaysia.

Closed Training wars
* See previous days maps for locations of started training wars.\
* Errr, none apparently.

These are some fun compiled stats for non-training war and land swap battles since August 4th. Note that I list Theocrats as a country. In a way they are, much like the Knights of Malta. They are an entity independent of the lands they may occupy.

First up: Battle hero awards by country for the Fortis/EDEN vs PEACE wars:

Next up: Battle hero awards for citizens by side for the Fortis/Eden vs PEACE wars. Only those with 2+ awards listed. Note some people fought for the other side either as last minute order changes, to get battle hero awards when the battle was a foregone conclusion, or as turncoats:

Next: Battle hero awards by country for the Greek/Turkey conflict:

And last, but not least, the turncoat award list!:

That's all folks!
And be sure to thank Pangolin! 😃