ERA Party: Prime Minister Endorsement and SECURITY ALERT!

Day 895, 01:27 Published in Australia Australia by ERA Party

Good Evening ERA Members and fellow Australians.

Today, the eRepublik Alliance Party (ERA) would like to announce our endorsement for Prime Minister of Australia in the May 5th Elections.

The winner of our forum internal votes is....

Bass Junkie

Bass Junkie from the PaPP is an active and respected Australian Citizen and is from the PaPP.

Bass Junkie has been also encouraging a positive relationship between the PaPP and ERA.

We wish Bass Junkie the best of luck and congratulations on getting the ERA endorsement.

National PTO Alert

As we saw over a month ago, our nation is under a PTO threat. For new players, a PTO is a "Political Take-Over". The type of PTO we seem to be facing, is one where our enemy (Indonesia) would try and get someone elected who would retreat all regions if we are attacked, thus wiping out our Nation.

To see something similar, check the eRepublik wiki and what happened to South Africa.

The PTO Alert is in relation to the Heart of Cerridwen Voeland Party.

This Party features former Indonesia President Wonder Forward. He was Vice President of Indonesia recently when WA was taken from us, while still being an Australian Citizen.

He's citizenship was granted to him by a senator last term, who was banned for creating multiple accounts.

Wonder Forward as Party President has nominated Sandy Gee (a former high ranking Indonesian Player) as their candidate for Prime Minister.

The "Heart of Cerridwen Voeland" Party is currently being monitored by the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation (ASIO). Over the last 24 hours, the party is question membership has risen from 20 to 150, with seemingly identical to the last PTO by the National Pirate Party.

Citizens, despite the official ERA endorsement, please hold your vote on election day as late as possible and check the news, forums and IRC in case of any late voting instructions.

ERA PR Manager (looking for a replacement!)
Prime Minister Candidate for June