Epic Fantasy eRepublik Adventure

Day 775, 18:31 Published in India Philippines by EZEX Lacroa
This is a Philippine Press Club syndicated article. Click here for original version.


"It will be full of excitement!" - The eRepublik Outsider

"One of the most ambitious eRepublik creations. Ever!" - Ariel David Buena

"5 stars!" - Reporters Without Borders

"¿Tu hablar español?" - Reporteros sin fronteras

“如果你不能忍受高温,走出厨房吧。” - 在Booger


Josie Brooks Productions presents...

The most epic, totally fascinating, classic story of 2010...


A tale probably about love, passion, intrigue, war, betrayal...

A compelling drama rife with might and magic...

Dungeons and dragons, swords and sorcery...


Cloaks and swords, cloaks and daggers...

Tongues in cheeks, feet in mouths...


A coming-of-age adventure story of two average teenagers from a medieval fantasy setting...


Starring Hekter as son of a farmer who dreams of being a hero (and who also might have a dual personality)...


And a noble's daughter who wants to be seen as more than a trophy wife or decoration...

With SoulSalvage as the Dark Lord and Ariel David Buena as a cleric of Saint Cuthbert.


Probably, Keegan Knoll will be the Associate Dark Lord and Xedric, the crazy old man who will foretell doom for the protagonists...


This is a tale of war, romance, schizophrenia and cross-dressing that you, yes, YOU can be part of.

Sign up HERE and be part of the greatest eRepublik fantasy ever told.


Source: Reporters Without Borders. Republished with permission.