ePeople's Who's Who in eRepublik ISSUE 1

Day 80, 00:00 Published in USA USA by LordFaux

Well, here it is! The first issue of ePeople Magazine's Who's Who in eRepublik. The inductees this time around were chosen based on rankings in the five game areas of society, economy, politics, military, and media. Some of the inductees are not number one in their respective areas because there is some overlap with certain people dominating more than one area. So here they are, the inductees for the week of February 9, 2008:


This ePeople inductee did not respond to our short interview but that does not mean we won't include him! An eRepublik powerhouse, UNLEGC owns the second largest non-admin newspaper in the United States, the Neb Informer, which has 42 subscribers. Yes, we know there are bigger papers in the world but this press director is also the owner of three, yes three major U.S. companies. Combined, Neb Foods, Neb Healthcare, and Neb Housing brought in a whopping 2904 USD and 60 gold in January. UNLEGC is a member of the Democratic Party and a private in the U.S. Army with 3.85 strength. He is also ranked 150 out of over 10,000 eRepublik citizens.

3. alexis bonte

A citizen to whom we all owe thanks, alexis bonte is a co-founder of eRepublik along with george lemnaru. When asked what was liked most about the game this citizen said, "...the realistic environment, the interaction with other players that gives endless possibilities to the gameplay and the political aspects." ePeople whole heartedly agrees! Alexis, of Paris, is an employee of Carrefour since November 22, 2007. A member of Parti Liberal Europaen du developement durable this inductee was originally chosen for points in the society category. A 5.05 strength private in the French Army, Alexis says his real life interests are business, strategy games, reading, international news and relations, gadgets, and watersports. This inductee, who doesn't play an economic role, pursues politics in eRepublik due to inability to do so in the real world. With 32 subscribers Alexis' newspaper erepublik.com insider is the second largest in France and a great source of information. Alexis, on behalf of all the citizens of eRepublik, ePeople Magazine gives thanks for being a co-genius. We love you!

2. Dio Brando

Dio Brando... say it one more time DIO BRANDO! President of Pakistan, his name resounds with a sort of power and maybe a little terror. Having a fanatically loyal citizen base that refers to him as God-Emperor, this inductee was chosen for being president of the country with the strongest military. With the upcoming war module, this eRepublik great is someone to watch. His decisions could influence the world for a long time. Ranked 2nd out of all eRepublik citizens, Dio Brando says that his people are his favorite aspect of eRepublik. In real life, Brando has lately been interested in movies, especially japanese anime. He is an employee of Nova Prospekt food company and party president for Stardust Crusaders Mission. A political animal, Brando is on his third term as President of Pakistan and is a 4.47 strength private in the army. The creed of Stardust Crusaders is quite interesting, "Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow? No, says the man in Washington. It belongs to the poor. No, says the man in the Vatican. It belongs to God. No, says the man in Moscow. It belongs to everyone. I rejected those answers. Instead I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose: PAKISTAN." When asked if there was anything else he would like included in this profile Dio Brando responded, "Everything is well in Pakistan. Prepare for Peace." A rallying cry that has become all to familiar on the lips of Pakistanis. Only time will tell what this Peace will really mean for the world.

1. Korbin King

Pictured on the cover of this issue, Korbin King is slick and makes power and fame look easy. In the United States he is big papa and all razzi! Probably the most recognizable face in the country, the President of the United States was chosen as an inductee for his accomplishments in the sphere of economy. Surely all you U.S. citizens have heard of it... King's Market. Currently having over sixty high quality food stuffs on the market, this corporate giant made 777 USD and 5 gold in January and is right now the only U.S. food company thats actually turning a profit for February. King's Market has export licenses to Belgium, Spain, and Ireland. Mr. King's other company, Heart of Gold in the gift market, brought in 261 USD and 55 gold in January and is turning the largest profit of any other gift company in the U.S. this month. And who could forget OMG magazine, with its slick cover and the largest subscriber base of any non-admin publication in the U.S. OMG appears to be mainly a forum for Mr. King's political ideas but has been used to promote at least two successful programs, the Gift Industry Revitalization Plan and Mr. King's current baby the Blue Sun Lottery. In addition to being President of the United States, Korbin King is president of the Democratic Party, and a private in the U.S. Army strength 5.1. Korbin King says he likes eRepublik because its "web based and can be played from anywhere," his real life interests are having fun with his kids and becoming wealthy, and his favorite book is The Richest Man in Babylon. This saavy sultan of the scene is obviously money oriented with a touch of loving father and the eRepublik power to last for a long time to come.

Thats it! The first edition of ePeople Magazine, the publication that puts the spotlight on you! If you didn't make this issue but think you should have don't worry. We'll spotlight citizens every week. If you enjoyed this article then your subscription to ePeople would be highly appreciated. Anyone wishing to make money or gift donations would help keep the magazine in print and can direct them to LordFaux until the business media is implemented. Some of you who read the forums may be aware that the press director has been engaging in political discussion to varying degrees of success but we here at ePeople's Who's Who are committed to bringing you non-biased and even positive news. The Who's Who section of the magazine shall not be used to further political agendas. Thank you very much for reading and check us out next week for a look among others at the President of Sweden.