eNOVA Progress Report – Week 2

Day 623, 23:10 Published in USA USA by eNOVA
eNOVA Forum

eNOVA Donations Link .

Thank you for your support of eNOVA!

Thanks to the outstanding effort of our members, eNOVA membership has now increased to over 300 individuals dedicated to the premise that through combined effort e CAN make a difference for citizens throughout eRepublik. eNOVA is a private, non-partisan solution engine that is guided by our organizational charter:

To support citizens of eRepublik to gain the experience and knowledge necessary to thrive in the game.

To compensate eRepublik players for their contributions to achieving the goals and projects of eNOVA.

To defend the national sovereignty and self determination of our member nations.

eNOVA Membership
As many of our members will attest, even during the first two weeks of existence eNOVA membership has already proven to be a rewarding experience, both literally through eNOVA Rewards, through the gratification of making a difference in eRepublik, and through the enjoyment of participating in the game at a whole new level. To become a member, simply visit our eeNOVA Forums. Apply for membership and donate the membership fee to eNOVA. A representative of eNOVA will send you an in-game PM to confirm your membership and you are set to begin joining our project teams, earning rewards and making a difference in eRepublik!

eNOVA Reward
The rewards have been flowing! With so many great contributors, and so many effective projects happening, it was bound to happen: The Rewards sent to our members today alone exceeded 1,500 USD, I look forward to the opportunity next week to report new record breaking levels of rewards for our members!

eNOVA Member Promotions
Be sure to congratulate the following members on our forums for their recent promotions within our organization. We still have several positions to fill at every level and are looking for new members with the intiative, experience and drive to lead eNOVA to the next level of effectiveness!

eNOVA Project Managers:
b. k. blake
Enoch Root
Scott Coyle

eNOVA Mentors:
Andy Dufresne
Becket Charleston
Hadrian X
Soul Salvage

eNOVA Business Sponsors
Make sure to support our current Business Sponsors by purchasing you goods from them whenever possible. Our highlighted Business Sponsor for this report is Istarlan:

Q1 Gifts

Make sure to buy from the eNOVA Sponsors that help us grow!

To learn more about becoming an eNOVA Business Sponsor or to Join the Project Team today!

Join eNOVA today to find out more about our many project efforts and how you can be a part!

Thank you for all of your efforts!
Ananias - Founder, eNOVA


eNOVA Forum

Donate Today! . Whether it is one dollar or an unused Q1 House (thank you!), you can be a part of the difference that eNOVA is making in eRepublik!

Thank you for your support of eNOVA!