Day 1,143, 05:49 Published in Sweden France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Homonavia... Today, it is not I who have sinned, it is one of my greatest idols.

The Captain King, the almighty head of state in our lovely little kingdom have long been encouraged to resignate and leave the throne to another worthy soul for the month of January.

Now we can no longer stand by and watch him rape our timeshare-monarchy, it is time for us to stand up and revolt.
We need a new king, we need a leader and first of all, we need someone to look up to - someone adorable, like this puppy(only smarter and slightly more human)

Consider this, dear Nobels of the Kingdom, to be my encouragement for you to join side with me, and stand up against this outrageous insult to our throne!
For too long have our needs and demands been overlooked, for too long have we suffered the loss of our leader.

"Who's gonna take the next period?" you may ask, well - to me, as a former Captain King, it is clear as the lovely snow of Danishism.
We have recently joined forces with our neighbours, the Swedes, forming the mighty Homonavian Union and thus we should encourage them to adore the Captain King as much as we do..
"How is that even possible?" might be your next question..
OBVIOUS, I must say - we just have to instate a Swede, and the rest of his tribe will immediately see the light of Danishism and start adoring our Captain, my Captain - THE ONE AND ONLY CAPTAIN KING!

"But who is both a Swede AND awesome enough to be appointed the first Captain King of 2011?"
pho3nix, is the simple answer to that question!

Therefore, my fellow Noblemen, by the right rested upon us a Nobles in paragraph 2.4 of the Constituton of the Kingdom of Denmark, I urge all of you to stand by me and revolt Mr. Naizugai as the King of Homonavia.

(Mr. Naizugai is about to be revolted, while sitting next to some old man in a suit.. Limegreen really brings out Naizu's smile)

Noblemen, sign this thread in order to revolt the current Captain King and make pho3nix replace him from this day until the first day of February 2011, on which he will appoint his own successor.
May his reign be long(but not more than 25 days) and successful, and may the nation prosper under his guiding wings!

Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help Homonavia become AWESOME)