eNorway losing steam in the eRepublic.

Day 151, 23:22 Published in Norway Norway by Salve

You don't have to look back far in the short history of the "eRepublic" to find Norway as one of the fastest growing and most successful nations in the world. Over the course of several weeks Norway's population experienced a monumental surge, placing the nation as high as third in the world, and the gross domestic product swelled to make for the second strongest economy in the land. The current figures however paint a picture of a country on the decline. While other nations have continued to fill up at a break neck speed Norway's population has experienced a slight decline (currently ranked 6th in world, being passed up by Italy, Spain, and Romania). The economy has noticed a slip in position as well currently maintaining a slim lead over the UK for fourth place in the world. The Norsk Government must find a way to stop reversing trends and begin bringing more citizens to eNorway, if we want to stay competitive in a world that can only get more crowed as the likes of e-countries such as the eUSA continue to build steam.