Eng+RO: FRAUD(A) [please vote and shout]

Day 1,338, 06:14 Published in Romania Romania by wowotzange

English version (varianta in romana este mai jos)

Dear eRepublik support team,
I have reported yesterday a theft (or what I then thought to be a bug) which caused the lost of 2245 RON, 6 gold, one iron mine, one aluminum mine, one fruit orchid and one fishery from my property. Pretty much all I’ve got: all things for which I worked for in the last 86 days, all the donations I’ve received for being such nice person.
Firstly, I thought that this problem is going to be solved, because I got an immediate answer from someone in your support team. I was asked different questions, including the following one: “7.Did you have pin code active at that time?”. I answered that no, I didn’t had the pin activated in the last 2 or 3 days, because it was regenerated and I haven’t got another one since (now I have one). Of course, there was also this very suspect question: “6. Do you know who took your items?”. I mean, if I knew, wouldn’t I have said something? Well, I answered that no, I haven’t got the slightest idea. And then the answer from your support team came: “We have introduced the PIN system with the exact purpose to stop the hacks from having any effect, if you did not activated it, we cannot help you in this case, because if you had it, there will be no problem.”. So, the almighty admins, that can do whatever they want with the game, that know everything about everybody (hell, I’m sure they can read even the in-game messages that my mother sends me if they want), cannot return my properties back because I hadn’t got A PIN NUMBER? No, really?! Besides, if I have had a pin number, whoever managed to break into my account could have either break the pin too or downgrade my factories (you do not need a pin for that) just for fun.
Hypothetically speaking: if one of my clones would have sent me his or her entire fortune, I am more than sure that we would have been both banned in the shortest time possible. And now you tell me, dear eRepublik support team, that you cannot help me?!
Let me tell you what I think: you do not want to help me! And I only see two reasons for that: 1. You either expect me to buy gold in order to rebuild all I had - but I don’t think that this one is the reason, because with let’s say 36 gold (14,8 euro) I could do that – or 2. You are covering and encouraging the theft of accounts/properties. Which in my world it’s also called FRAUD!!!

In a shorter version: 2245 RON, 6 gold, one iron mine, one aluminum mine, one fruit orchid and one fishery stolen + you know who did it + you don’t react = FRAUD.

I am not going to shut up until I get my properties back and until you are going to give a public statement that you do not encourage account and property theft . . . or until I am banned (which I really hope it will not be the case).

Sincerely yours,
a very concerned (and pissed of) player,

Varianta in romana:

Draga echipa de suport a eRepublik

Ieri am raportat un furt (sau ce credeam atunci ca este un bug), care a cauzat pierderea a 2245 RON, 6 gold, un raw de fier, unul de aluminiu, un raw de fructe si unul de peste (tradus mot a mot) din proprietatea mea. Altfel spun, cam tot ce am: toate lucrurile pentru care am muncit in ultimele 86 de zile, toate donatiile pe care le-am primit pentru ca sunt o persoana atat de draguta.
La inceput am crezut ca aceasta problema se va rezolva, pentru ca am primit in cel mai scurt timp dupa ce am facut ticket-ul un raspuns de la echipa voastra de suport. Mi s-au pus diverse intrebari, printer care si urmatoarea: “7. Aveai codul pin activate la momentul acela?”. Am raspuns ca nu, nu l-am avut activate in ultimele 2 sau 3 zile, pentru ca a fost regenerat cel vechi si nu mi-am luat altul de atunci (acum am unul). De fapt, am mai primit si urmatoarea intrebare foarte suspecta: “6. Stii cine ti-a luat lucrurile?”. Adica, daca as fi stiut, credeti ca nu as fi spus? Ei bine, am raspuns ca nu, nu am nici cea mai vaga idee.
Apoi a venit raspunsul echipei voastre: “Am introdus sistemul de pin cu scopul exact de a opri hack-urile sa aiba vre-un effect, daca nu l-ai activate nu te putem ajuta in cazul asta, pentru ca daca il aveai, nu o sa mai fie nici o problema.” (e tradus dupa exprimarea lor 😛). Deci, atotputernicii admini, care pot sa faca orice vor cu jocul asta, care stiu totul despre toata lumea (sunt sigura ca pot sa citeasca pana si mesajele in-game pe care mi le trimite mama daca vor) nu pot sa imi returneze proprietatea pentru ca nu aveam un NUMAR PIN? Nu, serios acum?! Plus ca, si daca as fi avut pin, cine a reusit sa imi sparga contul ori ar fi reusit sa sparga si pin-ul, ori ar fi putut sad ea downgrade la firme (nu iti trebuie pin pentru asta) doar ca sa se distreze.
Ipotetic vorbin😛 Daca una dintre clonele mele mi-ar fi trimis intreaga avere, sunt mai mult decat sigura ca am fi fost amandoua bannate in cel mai scurt timp posibil.
Si acum imi spuneti, draga echipa de suport eRepublik, ca nu ma puteti ajuta? Lasati-ma sa va spun ce cred eu despre asta: nu vreti sa ma ajutati! Si nu vad decat doua motive pentru asta: 1. Ori va asteptati sa cumpar gold pentru a-mi reface proprietatile – dar nu cred ca asta este motivul, pentru ca as putea face asta cu, sa zicem, 36 de gold (14,8 euro) – sau 2. Acoperiti si incurajati furtul de conturi si de proprietati. Lucru care in lumea mea se cheama FRAUDA.

Pe scurt: 2245 RON, 6 gold, un raw de fier, unul de aluminiu, un raw de fructe si unul de peste furate + voi stiti cine a facut asta + nu reactionati = FRAUDA.

Nu am sa tac din gura pana nu imi voi primi proprietatile inapoi si pana nu veti da o declaratie publica in care sa spuneti ca nu incurajati furtul de proprietati si de conturi . . . sau pana cand voi lua ban (ceea ce sper sincer sa nu se intample).

Cu stima,
un jucator foarte ingrijorat (si nervos),