Energy bar [ENG]

Day 1,227, 04:33 Published in Serbia Serbia by ToMy992

The energy bar is an item that restores your health to 100, no matter how much health you have. The energy bar will not consume any of your daily consumable 300 health points.

Energy bar can be obtained through one of following ways:
Rank up

Note: You can't sell or transfer the energy bar.

You can use it by simply clicking the Eat button, this button will be orange and it will show the image of an energy bar with the text "Eat"
One downside of this bar is that you have to eat them first before you can eat regular food. So you have to eat the energy bar first, so make sure to fight in a war and drop your health as low as possible before you use it to gain maximum profit out of it.
Since the energy bar doesn't consume any of your daily 300 health points it can be used to do more damage in a fight.