Endorsement of Woxan for President

Day 679, 17:34 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
The Democratic Party, also known as the Game Mechanics Party, hereby endorses Woxan for President of the United States.

I have had the privilege of working with Woxan for many months. He was a diligent adviser during my time as President and has been the same for Emerick and now President Julius. He has helped to shape America's post-war economic policy in his position as Director of the Economic Council. I firmly believe he is the right candidate to lead during this time of rebuilding.

President Julius has done an admirable job in finishing the work that I and Emerick started by reconquering America. PEACE, as we expected, ran out of money and steam. It was a lot closer than we had hoped, but all is well that ends well. Now is time for a President who has a vision -- one who is ready to address our domestic issues.

I believe Woxan is the candidate to solve our new player retention issue. It's a problem oft talked about by candidates yet never seems to get to the policy shop in the end. I am guilty of this, as much of my domestic policy went by the wayside during the war. Too many new players quit our game.

I believe Woxan is the candidate who is ready to address, head on, the foreign policy dilemma regarding prying members away from PEACE. Woxan has been working at this for months, and along with other members of the cabinet, is making admirable progress in breaking up a strenuous and unwinnable bipolar alliance system in our World.

I believe Woxan is the candidate who will address the core issues at the root of our nation's problems: partisan politics, personal greed, and general ignorance on the part of our population. Woxan believes in the game mechanics ideology and that, in and of itself, is enough to earn my endorsement.

On behalf of the Democratic Party, aka the Game Mechanics Party, I hereby endorse Woxan for the position of President of the United States and mark his platform as GAMER APPROVED (® )

Misa Campo, ladies and gentlemen.

With love;
President Harrison Richardson