End of an Era

Day 846, 22:24 Published in USA USA by sydiot

I love my staff, they are why I play this game.

I am retiring from my position as Secretary of the Treasury.

Some will cheer, others will weep, but I am content. I have worked very hard over these past four months to turn the Treasury into a real working cabinet department with a strong purpose and a focus on providing improved financial game play for the eUS and its citizens.

I will also be retiring from Congress after a half year of service, which means I will not be continuing my string as Chairman of the Budget and Finance committee. Again, this will likely be good news for my detractors and even better news for the hard working and deserving folks who have waited patiently for my intransigent ass to retire so they can have a turn at the wheel. 🙂

As others may know, I've also resigned my post as Chairman of the Libertarian Party Steering Committee, and I will be leaving the Libertarian Party as well. This is no disrespect to the new PP of the Libs, Claire Littleton, and my decision in this regard was made before her successful election today. I've found that as exciting as things are in partisan politics today, my heart is no longer in the fray.

Maybe I should finally ask Astra to eMarry me. What do you guys think?

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not the kind of person who engages in petty rivalries or personal snubs. I've always tried to play this game with imagination and intelligence, and approached everything I've done with the best of intentions. I have had the pleasure to serve as Secretary of Treasury for three Presidents: Jewitt, Josh Frost and my good friend PigInZen. I can tell you with absolute assurance that each of them worked their asses off to serve the people who play this game as Americans. I am proud to have had their trust and their ear in matters of economy and finance.

I have had the distinct honor to have in my department some of whom I consider this games greatest financial players: Dr. Tango, my Deputy Secretary of the Treasury is the Schrute to my Scott. AidenAstrup is a visionary who's time spent in building his bank and more recently working with me on the Federal Reserve is a big reason this country has a steady currency and a financial advantage over our enemies. Devoid, and batterytime, Bradley Reala, DanielCD Joe DaSmoe, Max McFarland 2, George Stevens and countless others have helped make this game fun for me by being my allies and my rivals in matters of economic policy and politics. Mentors like One Eye, Daphne Lilac, Pearlswine, Harrison Richardson, Frost and Pig, Jesse Melvin and James Harding, Publius and George Barker helped me learn this game and gave me the confidence to take risks when I knew I was right.

So many people say this, because it's true: This game is about people. Even a cold hearted fascist like me, with my nose stuck in a spreadsheet, can recognize that.

Best Boss in the World? I wish.

I will stay on as Co-Director of the Congressional Budget Office and Chairman of the Federal Reserve as long as those institutions will have me. Both of these positions are monetary and advisory in their nature and I can continue them while on deployment with the military. I will obviously cooperate with any President or other leader who seeks my advise or aid in anything that benefits the country. And I will still do my best to report on our economic well-being to Congress and explain the markets and which policies I think are best to the public at-large. I may be stepping away from authority but I can hardly abandon my interest in how money moves in this wacky simulation. 😃

To all of you who say good riddance: I salute you. I have had the time of my life arguing with you and proving you wrong for some time. I doubt that my absence form these positions will have any great effect on the country as a whole. I am not so pretentious and self-obsessed as to think my presence is vital in any way. There is a whole league of brilliant game economists, bankers, lawmakers and policy wonks who are ready to continue the good work of managing this nation's economy. The old debates will never die, no matter how much science we pour on them, they will keep burning. But I am happy to say that I will no longer be the reviled face of cold economic reality for America's people. That will be for someone else, for now.

Thank you, America, for giving me a chance to play out my dreams of being a fake economist in a made up world.

love, sydiot

Finally I can join GJ and Jewitt in our true passion. Fgtry.