En el Eje de los Balcanes 1.0

Day 483, 02:15 Published in Chile Serbia by Iliaco
Encuentro Húngaro-Rumano

Nuestros avanzados sistemas de espionaje de redes han captado la siguiente transmisión desde las altas esferas político-militares en el conflicto de Europa del Este. Demás está decir que son los líderes de la facción Rumana y Húngara respectivamente:

[13:26] dsalageanu- we definitely cannot hold 2 fronts and I guess Romania has to recongnize its loss and to
[13:27] dsalageanu- re-organize in order to meet successfully any future challanges
[13:28] dsalageanu- As a conclusion, I want us to focus on the resolving of our dispute
[13:28] dsalageanu- What are your goals in this direction?
[13:28] @Morreau- regain ou territories
01[13:28] Feherlo- regain our original regions
01[13:29] Feherlo- after that we can talk about the future I think
[13:29] dsalageanu- Ok, how would you suggest doing that?
[13:30] @Morreau- the first question is how You want to end the war
03[13:33] * Russell (Mibbit@mib-1A2D8953.pool.invitel.hu) has joined #meeting
[13:33] @Morreau- what alternatives do you see possible to solve our dsipute?
[13:33] dsalageanu- wait, I see 2 different issues here
[13:33] dsalageanu- ending the "dispute" is one thing ending "the war" is another
[13:34] dsalageanu- if we have settled the "dispute", by returning the regions or whatever, the war can remain open
[13:34] dsalageanu- it is not necessary to have peace, unless we think it is the better option
01[13:35] Feherlo- main issue of the dispute is that our regins are under Romanian occupation
[13:36] dsalageanu- so far yes, but that will change
[13:37] dsalageanu- Ok, HOW do you propose to get the regions back? Trough "attack-retreat" mechanisms?
01[13:37] Feherlo- without solving this our ppl will see this always the main problem
01[13:37] Feherlo- you guarantee the success with retreat
[13:38] sanya18- but let it go until 1:00:00 remaining time
02[13:38] * @Morreau (Mibbit@mib-C4185937.pool.invitel.hu) Quit (Client exited )
03[13:38] * huba (Mibbit@mib-F10EEB60.catv.broadband.hu) has joined #meeting
[13:39] huba- ha i dsalageanu
[13:39] huba- hi
[13:39] dsalageanu- Hello Huba 🙂
03[13:39] * Morreau (Mibbit@mib-C4185937.pool.invitel.hu) has joined #meeting
[13:40] dsalageanu- Ok, so you propose a successive attack, one day / one region, battles will last 23 hours and then I retreat
01[13:40] Feherlo- right
[13:40] dsalageanu- Is that correct?
01[13:40] Feherlo- if its needed you press retreat
[13:41] dsalageanu- Ok, this should be an announced and public decision and agreement, people should treat this as training wars
[13:42] dsalageanu- Published both in Romania and in Hungary. Would that be Ok?
[13:43] sanya18- and what about the opened war? do you want to close it?
01[13:43] Feherlo- we can agree in this as a possible method to regain our regions
[13:44] dsalageanu- guyz, are you still there?
[13:44] Morreau- yes
[13:44] Morreau- we're listening
[13:44] dsalageanu- Ok, i was scared about the "Global" warning 🙂
[13:45] dsalageanu- Ok, my proposal is the following
01[13:45] Feherlo- we are waiting for your other offers, why should we accept this with such hurry
[13:45] PetiB- sorry, i have to go, bye
02[13:45] * PetiB (Mibbit@mib-4A31E092.sch.bme.hu) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
01[13:45] Feherlo- we waited for months
01[13:45] Feherlo- we are not in hurry
[13:45] dsalageanu- yes, sure, I will tell you my proposal and then you can discuss it with the others
[13:45] dsalageanu- and get back to me trough a PM
[13:46] dsalageanu- 1. I would agree to the mechanism suggeste😛
[13:46] dsalageanu- - Articles announcing the end of the war
[13:46] dsalageanu- - 4 consecutive training battles, controlled by retreat after 24 hours
[13:47] dsalageanu- - war can be left open or closed, there are arguments in favor of each option
[13:47] dsalageanu- 2
[13:47] dsalageanu- 2. I would propose that this happens at the end of this week (thursday - sunday)
[13:48] dsalageanu- 3. We will have a closed Eastern Front also, as you might have noticed, so we are not in a terrible hurry
[13:49] dsalageanu- This agreement would rely on a "gentlemen's agreement", no admins or crap like that.
[13:49] dsalageanu- I will hold my word and I trust you will also.
02[13:49] * huba (Mibbit@mib-F10EEB60.catv.broadband.hu) Quit (Client exited )
02[13:49] * dsalageanu (Mibbit@16A00D97.E73CCCD9.3612459C.IP) Quit (Client exited )
02[13:49] * Russell (Mibbit@mib-1A2D8953.pool.invitel.hu) Quit (Client exited )
02[13:49] * sanya18 (Mibbit@mib-765CEF85.pool.tvnet.hu) Quit (Client exited )
01[13:49] Feherlo- bah
01[13:49] Feherlo- lehalt a mibbit
03[13:52] * sanya18 (Mibbit@mib-765CEF85.pool.tvnet.hu) has joined #meeting
03[13:53] * dsalageanu (Mibbit@16A00D97.E73CCCD9.3612459C.IP) has joined #meeting
[13:53] dsalageanu- what was the last line you have read?
[13:54] Morreau- I will hold my word and I trust you will also.
03[13:55] * Kampec is now known as Kampec_afk
[13:55] dsalageanu- Ok, in return I am asking the following:
[13:56] dsalageanu- 1. What guarantees would you offer that Romania won't be a target for a political TO any more? (not that it would be a better idea from your side more that it would have been from ours)
[13:56] dsalageanu- 2. I want Hungary to retreat from SGP, in sign of good fate and trust. It would get the region anyway later this week.
[13:57] dsalageanu- 3. What do you suggest we should do with the war after the regions are returned? Let it open? (pretty crazy, any attack would trigger MPP's) Close it down?
[13:57] dsalageanu- that should be all 🙂
[13:59] dsalageanu- So, please send me your response in-game or trough YM (dsalageanu) / MSN (dsalageanu@mac.com)
[13:59] dsalageanu- Cheers to you all!
02[13:59] * dsalageanu (Mibbit@16A00D97.E73CCCD9.3612459C.IP) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )

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