Empress Day April 2010

Day 877, 18:37 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Holiday Association

The discussion can be found here: http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2302
Nominations have been held here: http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2301
[Voting thread will be up in two days]

The nomination process should be familiar to those who have been here for previous Empress Days. For those of you that are unfamiliar, we will briefly list the way it works.

The rules this month are the same as last:

1. All nominees must be naturally/normally female
2. All nominees must be anime characters (must be an actual anime series, not hentai, not cinema scenes from video games, etc...)
3. All nominations must include the CHARACTER name (NOT the voice actor)
4. All nominations must include a sample picture of the nominees (must be fully clothed, please, no hentai)
5. You may include a youtube link to show us the character in action if you would like (link, not embed, please)
6. No previous empresses may be nominated for a second term (for now, though this may change sometime in the future)
7. All nominations must include the name of the anime the character is from (a wiki link would be helpful)
8. The Ministry of Culture & Events reserves the right to disqualify any candidate for any reason at any time. If you do not like this term, you do not have to participate. (Any improper candidates can and will be disqualified)

Citizens may (and are encouraged to) make arguments for why they believe the character they nominated should be Empress in the discussion thread, in the media, in advertisements, or in the IRC.

Voting begins at midnight on the 17th of April.

If you are unsure of which candidate to choose, or wish to debate the nominees, feel free to discuss it in the discussion thread to help get some more info. Google might also be helpful in this case. The IRC can also be a wealth of information for all kinds of subjects, if you join us there.

Voting will be up through midnight server time on the 21st, which is the last day of Empress Day. At this time, we will tally the votes, and an article will be published announcing the winner. The Empress will reign for one month until next Empress Day. She will make declarations throughout the month. The nature of these declarations may vary, and will not be disclosed until they are made.