Empires & Determination *updated!*

Day 2,194, 15:28 Published in Chile Chile by Subaru15

esto lo copy y paste :3

The following updates will be implemented during eRepublik's 6th Anniversary, on Day 2192.


Empires are countries that dominate the New World through their extreme military power and vast territories. In order to be declared as an Empire in eRepublik, a state needs to gather enough Country Power.

Country Power
Country Power indicates how powerful a country is. It’s gained by conquering regions and keeping them under occupation for a certain amount of time. The amount of Country Power depends on:

Military Power
- The offensive capability of all the active soldiers enrolled in Military Units, taking into account their division

Controlled Regions
- The number of regions owned, taking into account both original and conquered regions. Regions conquered from countries with high Military Power give more points.
- The more a region is kept under control, the more points it gives (except for original regions)


When a region is kept under foreign occupation, the people’s determination to overthrow the oppressors increases over time. This leads to a Determination Bonus that multiplies the influence in battles against the oppressor.

Determination Bonus

- When a Resistance War is started, the influence of each soldier fighting for the resistance is multiplied with the Determination Bonus.

- Influence represents your impact on the Domination Bar in battles. The Determination Bonus only multiplies your Influence, NOT your Damage and Rank Points. In other words, players will still contribute the same amount of damage for their True Patriot or Battle Hero medals, but their influence against the opposing side is bigger.

Please note that:
- Influence from Bombs, Rockets or Guerrilla Fights will NOT be multiplied by the Determination Bonus
- Hits done with Damage Boosters and Bazookas are multiplied like normal hits by the Determination Bonus

How is the Determination calculated?

The Determination Bonus is proportional with the number of days a region is occupied. The longer the region is held under occupation, the stronger the determination gets.

Once a region is liberated, the determination will decrease gradually.
For example, if Finland liberates Lapland from Swedish occupation of 200 days, and Sweden attacks the region a few days later, Finland and its allies will still have a high Determination Bonus when defending. If, however, Sweden conquers the region back despite the high Determination Bonus, the determination is then set to 0.

Please note that the days for Determination Bonus are counted from the past, and therefore won't start from 0.

Edit Day 2192

esto lo encontre aca me da paja traducirlo asi q hay ustdes x'D!!
