Emerickan Domestic Policies and a Vice President; Also, Spain MPP Discussion

Day 1,168, 10:25 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Let me start off by revealing that I have chosen David Landon to be my presidential mate. I say presidential mate instead of merely running mate, because I like to actually use my vice presidents. Mr Landon has been a well-known and respected voice both inside the Federalist party and on the national stage pretty much since his birth. While he's been pretty quiet recently, that doesn't change the person that he is: a knowledgeable, passionate, and intelligent man who appreciates dogs with top hats on. Who doesn't respect that. Also, he has OCD, so you know he's a hard worker.

Landon has experience in congress and party politics, and he also served a term as Deputy Secretary of State. The former two, I'll be using him for, which you'll see outlined in my first two domestic policies.

Domestic Policies

1: Working with parties
Party influence in this country has waned so much over the last two years that people don't even know what the purpose of parties are. Nowadays, if you ask anyone what the goal of a particular party is, their response will most likely be ~lol we just hang out on IRC and then vote as much as possible every 25th~

No. Unacceptable.

Political parties' true purpose should be to prepare their members for work in the executive and legislature, just how the Training Corps prepares members for military work. ~Also or anything in the game~

I plan to help parties improve their means and ends by offering advice as an outsider, such as I am, and David Landon's advice as a party official during the time when the Federalist Party was a powerhouse. If anyone else in the country wants to contribute ideas for all parties to use for their improvement, I could make a council, though I don't have one put together at the moment. In the future, hopefully, more people will want to get ahead in their parties through party programs and departments, and then break into the national spotlight and become national figures. It's a line of progression that's a natural assumption, but unfortunately, isn't a reality.

The goal of this project is to provide our citizens with competent choices in their political career, and to create solid foundations for all parties to build on. I'll be talking to the top 5 off the bat, since those are our main parties, but any other party is welcome to join the discussion. I want to create at least 5 solid and dynamic enough choices for our citizenry. That's the kind of party workings that I find to be


Also, I think that our parties are tools that we're not using to our full advantage. Though Haliman created Clickaholics to reach out to 2-clickers, I think that bolstering party strength and assisting them in their endeavors will not only spread out the damage, so less people get less burnt out less easily, but also make for a more long-term effect. Clickaholics was a one shot kill, but by bringing more power to the parties, it'll give cause operations like Clickaholics to happen at a party level, and more often. Since we know that parties need to actively recruit. Again, spreading out damage. I have wet dreams of parties recruiting together every now and then through party alliances that may ebb and flow as leadership changes.

2: Preparing future leadership
David Landon, Justin McCravok, and others who are, at this time, in the national spotlight, but do not yet have the full gambit of experience under their belt to become president will be given opportunities to get that experience in my term. Justin McCravok will get some much needed foreign affairs experience under Kazeal as Deputy Secretary of State if I am elected. David Landon, as vice president, will have an array of duties, being my right-hand man. Others who come to me or are brought to my attention will also be given opportunities. If mizu loses, I'd be happy to give him the foreign affairs experience that he also lacks. The fact is that we need more people in foreign affairs than possibly ever before: we're in Panam, we're allied with Eden, we're recruiting for Panam - we have a lot to do. We have to hold meetings nearly every day, and we need people out there meeting with foreign leaders and the foreign leaders of tomorrow. We need people out there pressing the flesh, smoothing the grooves, and doing other gooshy stuff.

This is something that I've always believed in - when I was president in the past, I had Jewitt and PigInZen as vice presidents, and Josh Frost as Secretary of Defense. All three of these people went on to become presidents.

The Spanish MPP
Recently, there was a bit of controversy when we decided not to resign an MPP with Spain. I agreed with Haliman's stance at the time, and when it was brought up during the debate last night, I said as much. When a question from a military member, asking how we felt about military members being against our decision, I spoke to the person who asked the question, to find out her opinion. She's of the opinion that the Spanish people disagree with their executive and legislative leaders. She believes that when Spanish leadership changes, so will Spain's stance towards us and Eden. Regarding their partnership with Poland, and the fact that they're distancing themselves from Eden.

I've seen this before. Poland and the UK made the same claims. My stance is that, until Spanish leadership shows that they're not hostile towards Eden anymore, then we'll have good relations again. I'd be more than willing to discuss peace between them and our new allies in Brozil, of course. Regarding whether or not we'd support Brozil against Spain, I'm open to discussion. At the moment, Spain is showing aggression towards Eden allies, so I'm inclined to reciprocate. I'm still open to discussion though. Feel free to pm me if you feel different.