Emerick is my President... Emerick is your President

Day 624, 13:30 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

Today, democracy happened. We saw in an election how the public voted. The public obviously didn't want me to have a second term. Do I blame them? No. It looks terrible. We've lost 20 states and are likely to lose more. I do feel like I got the short end of the stick with regards to the war, being stuck with other President's mistakes from 6 months ago and beyond. Lest this turns into a woe is me article, I'll say this: I always did my best and what I thought was best for my country. If that wasn't enough for you, godspeed to Emerick and pray he can get us out of this mess.

I have a lot of things to be proud of. I have started the most massive overhaul of our technology systems. Our technology is still porous, but hopefully Emerick will continue this tradition. I've also tried to, albeit with not much success, working with the mentor/Dept of Education programs. This is not their fault so much as mine. My domestic policy got thrown to the wayside during this war. Working 12 hour days, literally, is not a ton of fun. I hope you're ready, Emerick, and I pledge my full support to you. I'm proud to have fought valiantly on the battlefield with my allies, never giving in. I am proud to have made, what I think, is the best cabinet ever formed. I ask you each to support Emerick's new direction and, whatever he does, get behind him. Emerick is not only my President but yours also. America, we must become united. And united we WILL BECOME.

I'll take this time to announce my formal retirement from e-politics. I will happily return to two clicking and bouncing around the forums and IRC. It will be nice to relax rather than stress over the current war. I'd like to thank a multitude of people.. but above all, these select few:

Inwegen, Proggypop, Ananias, Hokiehigh and Scrabman for being my "brain trust" and giving me my shot
PigInZen for being the best aide a guy could ask for. Ladies and Gentlemen, he is your new Vice President

The rest of my staff who worked endlessly.

Let me close with this. I don't care who you supported in these Presidential elections. If you voted for me, I urge you to get behind Emerick's platform, his ideals, and his movement. We owe it to America as a nation and to our allies to become united and fend off these attacks. This war is at a turning point. Canada's survival is on the brink. Will we continue with petty political campaigns, spending our hard earned gold on advertisements.. or will we fight for honor?

America, Emerick is my President, and he is your President too.

God bless America and no where else