Election Time...

Day 581, 22:03 Published in Singapore USA by Relorian

Greetings fellow citizens of Singapore,

The elections are upon us. We (a collective We as the people) will go to the polls to make a choice between several worthy people for the 10 seats we as a nation have been given. The crowd is pretty thick with people who deserve this chance to shape our nation. However, I feel that some of them are just pushing empty promises on us. Their "Big" ideas are just that, Ideas. They provide no plan, no logic behind the promises. They wave these promises around as if their very mentioning should be enough to carry them to victory, with out so much as a droplet of proof of their plans.

There is good news though. There are some of us who have put forth decently written, decently thought out plans on how to strengthen our nation. Ideas on how to bring in new and hard working citizens, new methods of recruitment. There are those among us who have dedicated ourselves to the causes of Singapore. Im not just talking about party politics here, there are several decent runners among ALL parties in Singapore. Though I am a nationalist and wish to see my party come into the majority, I also acknowledge the strong running platforms put forth by members of the Birthday Party and the Singapore Republican Party and the Public Coalition Party.

We dedicated few, who are extremely active and have logical platforms deserve to be placed in congress. It is my sincere hope that tomorrow (Or later tonight for those in other timezones) you all go to the polls and cast your votes, no matter which party or person, to better Singapore.

Thank you for reading and please strongly consider me for Congress,
