Election results- 25.05.2010

Day 919, 04:06 Published in North Korea North Korea by Kim Young

Hello citizens of North Korea,
As you know this months` elections are over. Surprisingly the activity of the voters was very low- nearly 42% of the entire population. And here are the results:

--- Korean Labour Party (41 votes)

Sterus- 9 votes
Evil_God- 9 votes
PrinceDan- 6 votes
Fresher- o votes
du57y- 0 votes
Kan Chon So- 0 votes
Mobilecraft101- 8 votes

--- North Korean Democratic Party (41 votes)

Dark.Dassan- 12 votes
Kim Jong Eun- 10 votes
Faix- 9 votes
kinyong- 1 votes
Mashunja- 0 votes
LIV E VIL- 9 votes

--- Belarus Party of North Korea (21 votes)

el.fuego- 11 votes
GetmanBY- 10 votes
anka7889- 0 votes
A_MP- 0 votes

--- Cult of fallen God (17 votes)

berater- 9 votes
Gumboldt- 0 votes
FredKas- 0 votes
kotolik- 8 votes

---North Korean Workers Party (9 votes)

Strasser- 9 votes

These guys here are the Congressmen. But there are more candidates which did not reach the Congress.The most popular are:
= asmokey - Cult of fallen God- 8 votes
= Kommissar Mikhail- North Korean Workers Party- 8 votes
= Tsukae- North Korean Workers Party - 5 votes
= Afanasiy Drago- North Korean Workers Party- 0 votes
