Election Public Service Announcement.

Day 824, 23:24 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

But it can matter!

A Congressional Election is upon us once again. In this time of worrying about opponents, endorsements, and mass messaging I have one small thing to suggest to all those wanting to win a seat in the eUS Congress.

The way our Fortress state strategy works out makes elections precarious. Unless you are running in one of the three Fortress states; California, Florida, or Karnataka you have to move votes in from supporters willing to move to your state and vote for you. Common practice is to facilitate votes by providing a pair of moving tickets to anyone able and willing. I caught a recent Flying Unicorn Squadron http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/flying-unicorn-news-188979/1">publication today and it reminded me of an idea I had last election but too late to act on.

For all those who are gathering support, publishing platforms, and gathering party endorsements:

When you send out your tickets and do your best on the 25th remember to have all your supporters move to Karnataka after they vote. We are still raising our defensive population there and an increase will do nothing but strengthen the eUS. Win or lose your election this is something you should focus on. You can make a difference even when trying to make a difference. Show that you are the better man, and even contact any opponents and suggest that they do this as well.

Win or Lose on the 25th, a Larger Karnataka is an American boon.

And for all those eMericans who have not yet moved there and don't want to wait all you have to do is send the Flying Unicorn Squadron a message for a free ticket to ride.