Election Day

Day 1,162, 19:43 Published in India USA by India101
Election Day

Election day has begun and is almost ended and I like the decisons India has made. I currently have 28 votes and I would like to thank all of my voters.

I also see that many of the highly voted congressmen are from India United, this is very good because our party’s president is dedicated. He has helped us with our election and has chose only the best of the best.

India United the orginail party of India and the party that gave me the ability to run in this election. I respect all parties but the original party India United was the first party created when India regained its indepedence.[from Pakistan]

Lets Give Them All a Round of Applause:

“Sara Jahan se Achaan Hindustan Hamara!”

Jai Hind,
Your Congressmen