Election Anti-festo and THE UK

Day 883, 07:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda

its not really ,but you will get an extra xp

This Is Not A Manifesto , I Do Not Plan On Running In this Election
unless something major happens in next few days. *looks east*

I do have some fears looking at lack of well experienced citizens running so far and looking at some of the ridiculous election promises. Promises such as increasing the citizen fee and minimum wage , lowering import taxes and most ridicuous of all, start a RW in NI to take it back (pops up most elections) . Citizen fee and min wage are two things we have definitely got right in months since they've been introduced.

New Rules/Guidelines or Constitution In Our Forum
These have recently passed voting but have yet to be introduced , although they have been mentioned little since then.
Hopefully these will assist our Dail and prevent a return to the old days of debate and legislation of irrelevant issues.

Tips For Voting
There are a few small things you can do to ensure your vote is not wasted. If you care .

Check the candidates work record ,, Check their Wellness ,

if they only work a couple of days a week and have a below 90 wellness , they are hardly going to be present to represent your views/wishes, and maintaining wellness shows a small understanding of game mechanics

Check they are registered on the forum , check their posts , do they contribute ?

the forum is another sign of activity , every election somebody gets elected who is not even registered on the national forum WTF ? ,

Check their manifesto , Can the candidate think for themselves

does the candidate make ridiculous election promises like the ones mentioned above ,
or will the candidate only vote along the party lines.
*looks towards labour
If you are military minded , check their military rank and record , compare it with your own ,compare it with another citizen of similar age

Tips For New Congress Members
Do not be afraid to participate in discussions in the Dail , if you are wrong it will be quickly pointed out to you LOL , But seriously , ask around or post a thread inforum if you are unsure about a certain subject , there are so many people willing to help .
If you are elected in a region without a Q5 hospital, you can move to a Q5 region without re-signing your congress seat.
Do not forget to sign-in in the Dail inforum , or you may find yourself without access to the discussions and decisions in the private Dail.

On To The UK

Relations between the Uk and Ireland began to sour shortly after the re-signing of the Raleigh Treaty. We stalled the re-signing of the treaty when the UK invaded Norway because it meant in its origional form , that we would have to assist the UK it they were attacked in retaliation . This didnt sit well with most of the population , especially after their despicable strategic landswap which enabled Peace to invade the USA and Canada which began WW3 a few months earlier(although it was great fun). And their attack on Norway , a country much smaller than the UK .

Shortly after the new treaty was signed , the UK accused us of betrayal , by breaking the treaty and not assisting them. Then when that was seen as a lie , they declared it null and void anyway.
When the UK attacked Norway , the USA and Canada and EDEN threatened to wipe the UK off the map , and start a RW in wales , thus making it their new capital.

Not many people know what happened next,
The UK began planning for the worst , this plan included moving people en-masse to Ireland to use Ireland to launch a counter attack on the regions of the UK to retake them and to act as blocker for the UK. This plan called for the PTO of Ireland .
This plan popped up yet again when the UK was eventually attacked.
Next we had an introduction to the first of many trolls to our media , Dishmcds stating the intentions of the uk,
"Today, my dear friends. We kill the Irish. No long speeches, no words, no mention of honour can be more exciting than knowing we're about to remove from this gigabyte the most wretched abomination that Erepublik has ever seen. Today, we simply move to erase Ireland."

More drivel followed
Then GlaDos posted his goals for the presidential elections, To attack Ireland and take Dublin , One of our candidates Patton , proposed to take 2regions in the UK in a counter move.
Since then we have had many trolls in our media and we have returned the favour, The "PUSH THE BUTTON " campaign being highly successful,
So if you wonder where this all started i hope i have enlightened you a small bit.

Anybody who wishes to publish an article in the UK or help organise for "push the button 2" please pm me as we are trying to get it bigger and better the next time , hopefully we can get some parties to run ad's in BRO countries to help gain a bigger audience and help our articles reach higher positions in the UK media , something the UK have accused us of , but we have yet to even try.