Election Analysis

Day 1,925, 06:46 Published in Germany Greece by MR11
Hello eGermarks!

Another Congress Election has ended and I am here to give you more information about the elections of our country!

At the first picture,we can see the percentage of the votes.

1st is Open Mind Germany
2nd is Liberal-Patriotische Partei
3rd is Bad Party
4th is Kommunistische Partei Ed
and 5th is Die Steinmetze

At the second picture,there is the number of the congressmen of each party.

Open Mind Germany has 16 Congress Members
Liberal-Patriotische Partei has 8 Congress Members
Bad Party has 6 Congress Members
Kommunistische Partei has 5 Congress Members
and Die Steinmetze has also 5 Congress Members

Also,we can see that there is decrease in votes. This month,the votes were 442 and in January were 506. There is a decrease of 64 votes.

Congratulations to all new Congress Members and good luck!!