Elect Joshua Hoss in Wisconsin

Day 580, 19:50 Published in USA USA by Joshua Hoss

Hello eCitizens of Wisconsin. I hereby announce my candidacy for congressman to represent our fine state for a third term. I am running as a member of the United Independents Party.

My Multi-Term Happenings
I was elected by the people of Wisconsin for the April-May and May-June eCongresses, and during my time there I have voted on over 110 in game proposals as well as a number of eCongressional Forum votes. My voting record is open as a web page (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=rhB_4tVIoOMw4BtLmN8UU2g&output=html) for all to view. I also was selected to replace Joeseph Schmo as the Military Committee Chairperson during this eCongress term. This appointment has allowed me to increase the activity of the Military Committee (also known as MilCom) and to get a military budget passed for both terms. It was and is my goal to bring accountability to our nation's military and the funds trusted to it by the public.

Why a 3rd Term?
My first month in eCongress was a time of learning. eCongress is a difficult place to master and much of my time was spent watching the more senior members. My second term was a more hands on time. I was able to work on and with several committees and to be able to understand much more of the inner workings of law making.

A third term would allow me to continue my work in eCongress. One of the things I would like to work on is taking a look at our taxes and making sure we are receiving the most funds possible without hurting our eCitizens. I would also like to continue on the Military Committee and to better that area of our country.

Foreign Policy and Alliances
Many of you may have heard about a new Alliance in the works. I do support this alliance, and believe it gives the eUSA the best chance to grow and remain a power in the world. Much more work needs to be done on this matter, but it is nice to see that the issue is being addressed with the collapse of ATLANTIS and that we are moving forward with our country's best interests in mind.

I would once more like to open my door towards being contacted. If you have any questions please ask! I will happily reply, and hopefully explain my stance. Thank you for your time.

Joshua Hoss
Editor of “Colorblind Press”
UIP Vice President
Colonel., 101st Division, eUSA Airborne