Elect exReality for Congress

Day 795, 06:26 Published in Japan Japan by exReality
People of Japan,

I am running for Congress as a representative of Kanto. Here’s a list of what I've done this term.

The Judicial System
On the very first day in the term I proposed the Judicial System. Myung Kei and I were able to create an amendment which would legalize and effectively give power to a Judicial Branch. This wasn’t taken with open arms in congress, but it did receive a lot of attention and the vote was a very close one. Many still believe this is needed for Japan, others believe it is unnecessary bureaucracy.

Sempai Program
One of the most significant programs in Japan which has not been able to run as efficiently as it could. Anyways, Danyeo and I discussed publishing the same articles repeatedly, so there will always be a tutorial on the Top 5 Newspaper. This hasn’t been done as of now, but it will be after I finish doing a few things.

Bonus Program for Newborns
In my opinion is this is an ineffective program, which is why I proposed to remove it. This program gives newborns the incentive to join the forum by rewarding them 15 JPY. Although, this program only costs about two gold to run, since the government can print out 30,000 JPY with the use of only 150 gold. I thought the money would be better spent on active citizens such as the one in the military, but many congressmen believe that this program is still worth-a-while for the ~15% of the citizens who do remain active. Instead of offering 15 JPY, I believe it’s a better idea to actively communicate with these newborns and get them to join our community, for the sake of joining our community.

For more information of this term look here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/congress-update1-1146870/1/20

Changes planned for the next term

Reforming the Mentor Program
It’s true that our population is rather small but there is a steady flow of citizens being born every day. Instead of focusing on a baby boom, we should first focus on retaining the citizens who are born, by educating and integrating them into our society. Subsequently, after this is accomplished, then we can go ahead and begin a recruiting campaign for new players. I want to change the methodology of how the Sempai Program works. Instead of waiting for the newborns to come to us, we actively try to involve and integrate them into the Japanese Community. Reforming the Sempai program will be my top priority.

Judicial System
Yes, it’s coming back. Instead this time I will use a different approach and propose we effectively give the Judicial System power temporarily, and see how we do. The basic argument against this amendment was; this is unnecessary bureaucracy. However, if we do a test trial, we can tell if it is indeed bureaucracy or something that can benefit Japan. Congress temporarily granting powers to a Judicial System will be more than enough to determine if this system will be durable and most of all, effective.


My main platform for congress is education, which means retaining our citizens while increasing our population. Population is what defines a weak country to a powerful one. More people we have, means more soldiers and more businesses we'll have and a booming and a stronger economy/military. Thus my emphasis, this term and a possible next, particularly focused on education.

Vote for exReality in Kanto