Elect Day Man in Nebraska

Day 1,005, 14:07 Published in USA USA by Drumdude06

That’s right, I’m Day Man, and I am the fighter of the Night Man and the champion of the sun.

My Congressional Platform:

A. Nebraska!
B. Sunny
C. Boring Political Stuff

Does your cat make noise?

A. Nebraska: This term I am running for election in Nebraska. If you would like to vote for me and need tickets, food, or “Kitten Mittens,” then pm me, and I’ll be happy to hook you up. I just ask that you vote for me in Nebraska on August 25, that’s next Wednesday for you date-challenged people.

B. Sunny:Okay, I know what you are thinking, “Drum, where’s the cartoons and what’s with the Sunny pictures?” Don’t worry folks, I have not pulled back my support of cartoons in the least bit. However, one of the greatest shows of all time is starting another season during this next term, which is why I am making Sunny the forefront of my campaign this term. I am positive that my good, and now dead, friend iMan1003 would be proud of this stance.

C. Boring Political Stuff:I am a member of the American Military Party, but we all don’t think or vote exactly like Custer. Custer does his own gig, and I do mine. He’s the grouchy old man on the porch with a shotgun, and I’m more like the kid TP’ing his back yard. The AMP is big enough for people with different ideas and personalities. Again this election, the USWP is allowing me to run on their ticket. New for this election, I have received an endorsement from the ADTP.

Here are my stances: Stuff>Gold, Player Retention>Stuff, and Strong Military. Nothing new here, but it’s a proven formula for success.

This current Congressional session, we tackled the budget, and the following money crunch. We approved, what I felt were really good measures like a temporary spending freeze, and then spending caps. We took and are still taking long looks at the tax system, and ways to control our money. The forum being down was a challenge for everyone, so I wouldn’t base much on the voting record of Congressmen for this term. That’s the short and sweet version of what has happened during my time in Congress so far.

Don’t vote for a McPoyle

Vote for Drumdude06 in Nebraska
