eIrish Boot Camp Challenge

Day 1,554, 11:41 Published in Ireland Ireland by Little Boy Blue

The task of scouting is good but I do prefer Killing 30people a day on the front line with my automatic sniper rifle.Just as I got back from scouting eEngland before we started our attack on them again i was given a letter from my squad leader.The letter read....

Hi team
I was talking to myself and my homies that it would be cool if everyone leaving
eIrish Boot Camp had the Mercenary award.
Just roll up outside my crib and I will supply you guys wacky tobacco and weapons.
Love from your favorite Stoner

Well he was stoned for definite but hey they do saw the stoned come up with the best ideas... I'm sure he meant all new recruits were required to have the Mercenary award before the move out of the squad.....

Sounds like a challenge 😉

Remember read my Introduction Letter before you start stating these facts are wrong, incorrect or false