eIreland Progressing Nicely

Day 1,171, 10:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Hello citizens of eIreland,

I am writing to you to advise of the recent change we have made to streamline eIreland and bring all available software etc into use for her citizens and allies.

Over the past three or four months I have been working on a number of websites and forums and wanted to incorporate some of the ones I have worked on in to eIreland which I beleive may benefit us all and our allies. So for the last three months I have been working on a new website and forum which should make a lot of things easier for us all.

The first one I made was a website eIreland.me which I beleive along with a number of others that it can make a number of things easier. This website will be like a hub of information which can be accessed by anyone and has information on numoures things like links to the national forum and irc, information about our military, parties, government and new player guides. I have been working hard with a good few people to try make it look as good as possible and easily accessable.

Over the past few days since the forum went live we have moved to a new host which offer a huge number of features which can make eIreland a leader in this field and its something I want to support with all that I can give.

All TD's who are yet to register do so now, there is a number of discussions going on that as elected members you are to be involved in

eIreland forum
eIreland Website - Moving to a new host so down atm.

I ask all members of eIreland and our allies register on the new forum and over the next few weeks we look to bring you as many options as we can, this is for Ireland, her citizens and allies.

A tune for the article On the one road

If anyone has any problems they want looked at please pm me and ill get back to you asap.

Thanks for reading,
Marcus Suridius
eIreland MoD & VP