eIreland, people you secretly admire

Day 1,774, 13:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes

This is me. No really me. I used to play WoW for years, thought it was 5 years but it turns out to be 6. In WoW I used to play Shaman, Tauren Shaman, the rebel's rebel, on the Horde side. The one with attitude. I used to run guilds on EU severs where the griefing, flaming, trolling and flouncing makes eRepublik look like kindergarten.

So one thing I know from experience is that sometimes you need to do things outside of the box. Things that say HANG ON, CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?

So this article is aimed - temporarily - to give our little country a lift. Because what I would like people to do is to write a few words on the citizens in this country that they secretly admire. You might be pleasantly surprised after all, to find that in spite of our bitching, moaning and flaming, we all secretly can get along.

Who knows? Maybe this article can go global, maybe each eNation can make its own list and we can make an international case of loving those we have a sneaking admiration for. So vote this up, even if you don't like me, contribute, even if you don't admire me, and make an effort, because we need to make a little effort just to make this game fun.

Please. Please. Don't put in the usual suspects. Make it unusual, thanks.

So here's my list:

iBhoy. AKA The Chief. iBhoy is now the only commander that I would serve under without question. If iBhoy said, fight for UK in Dublin and use up all your candy bars I would do it without question. He is a genuine legend. Maybe not the cleanest citizen in the world, but he knows more about politics, warfare and tactics that I will ever learn. Now semi-retarded retired, I hope he makes a return.

MUFC92 or muckface as I call him behind his back. MUFC is a complete douchebag as far as eRep is concerned, known multi-spammer, changes his mind more than nappies on a new-born and in my view, needs to be treated the same way as you treat a large venomous reptile.


In RL this guy has it all. Lives in Croatia an has hawt girlfriends if you've seen the pictures. He totally loves this country, and if you were in RL Croatia and needed a friend, he would go out of his way to help you. You see, in gaming their is gaming, and we do what we like, in pixels, but we have to acknowledge and respect the RL aspect as well. That is why I have a lot of time for muck face.

Dan Breen. Legend. Troll. Scammer. You should have seen my face when Dan did a hatchet job on me and my work in Boot Camp. Even taking into account the rounding up of the troops and the flame-fest I unloaded on him, he still won the war because of that initial reaction of horror, irritation and angst.

+1 Dan Breen the man who calls me Mother Teresa

More trolling please

I wonder if there is any coincidence that all three are so closely connected to the ICA, without doubt, the most Irish of Irish MU's

The I
The I
The ICA!