eIreland and V2 (Your Chance to Speak Your Mind)

Day 841, 15:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda

eDate: Day 841 of the New World

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. -Victor Frankl

eRepublik will be changing. The switch to V2 could occur in the next few weeks. We, as a nation, have to face this head on. That is why, I'd like to announce an open forum. The topic to be discussed will be the V2 economy. We want to hear your ideas.

Attendance Info.

Where: The eIrish National IRC channel (#Ireland on Rizon)

When: Saturday, March 13th. 14:00 eRep time.

This is your opportunity to have your voice heard, so make sure to be in attendance.

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. -Harold Wilson