
Day 646, 17:43 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by wowox

Last night eIndonesia lost in Oklahoma. I am aware there is issue of bug in the game, but I won’t talk about it (as long as admins still have the “I-am-the-most-clever-don’t-need-you r-advice-attitude). I fought last night with weapons and wbs supply from the gov (thanks) but I am sorry I can’t turn the result the other way around.

I noticed that eIndonesia is on 4th rank for population number. Every good general and strategist understand that the advantage in number must be exploited to gain victory. We win in number, but we lost in battle. It’s sad but unfortunately true. The question is how can we use our population size to become an advantage in battle? It is true that maybe only 30% from the population are active citizens. this number can be dramatically decreased with the citizens from Fortis/Eden alliances. However, with this number we still have the advantage.

It’s not the first time, I rose this issue. Nor the only person that thought about this. I still believe if we can distribute weapons effectively to the citizens, we can gain huge damage, We can save golds for better purpose (like for green movement in eworld or fight the hunger), The tanks should be have more free time and their energy can be used in the greater cause. The people feels more happy (free weapons, of course). The businessman can get the fair contracts from the gov. I talked about weapon q1 not q3 or q5. With q1 we have more than double damage than barehand.

The strength of ‘people power’ can be traced in the her-story of eIndonesia. Please remember how we can pushed back the eUSA and their allies from France (when they bragged to have dinner in Paris), how we turn the table around when eRomania want to conquer Karnataka, how we can tear down every single highest wall in erepublik history (Pampas, WSR+200k admins’ wall, California recently). I believe the most damage done on those walls is from ordinary-people with q1 or q2, not from tanks with 40 wbs limit per day.

I know that our beloved gov already wrote article about the free weapons. However, with all my respect, please try harder. Please ask this humble civilian if you need help to distribute the weapon, I believe I am not the only one that will reply to your call. Please make the weapons more accessible, make it easier for not-so-lucky-with 56kbps-internet-connection-citizens. For the BG’s commanders please give all your men decent weapons to fight, even if they don’t online on IRC or YM. I am sure that every single citizens will fight with or without weapons, then give them one. Even a q1 weapons will make a difference in battle if used by 100 even 1000 citizens.

I can’t promise you this method will 100% guarantee our victory in every single battle. But I believe in one thing and I believe you agree with me, we can answer all the challenges if we united. Let’s put those words into action. Let’s unite my eIndonesia, Shout on your twitter, shout for #eIndonesiaunite

Bahasa Indonesia nya:

Ya, malam ini kita kalah lagi di Oklahoma. Ada isu ttg bug yang tidak akan saya bahas di sini karena admin pasti mbudeg. Makasih untuk pak gov atas sumbangan webe dan wepon nya, maaf tidak bisa membuat eI jadi menang.

Sebenernya yang saya tulis ini lagu lama, dan dinyayikan bukan saja oleh saya, tapi kalo anda mau cek di tumpukan koran di republik ini anda pasti nemu soal perlawanan rakyat semesta. Apa pula itu? Singkatnya seperti jaman Soekarno mau mengganyang malingsiah , buruh dan tani dipersenjatai. Jendral manapun tau kalo keunggulan dalam jumlah harus bisa dioptimalkan untuk memenangkan pertempuran. Kita unggul di jumlah tapi kalah di medan laga. Memalukan ya? Iya sih ada faktor lain, tapi kalo keunggulan jumlah ini ga dimanfaatkan sebaik2nya kita termasuk minal qhosirin alias orang yang merugi (kultum tadi malem). Belum lagi kalo ditanya emang berapa jumlah pemain aktif di eI? Wah saya bukan “math lover” yang suka itung2an, pikiran bodoh saya hanya bisa bilang pokoknya banyak deh!

Banyak juga keuntungan yang telah diajukan dengan sistem perang ini. lebih hemat gold untuk ngetank, tankers bisa mengurangi jam begadang dan bisa lebih produktif di kasur (bikin iler maksudnya). semua orang senang kecuali musuh dan yg ga kebagian wepon. dan pengusaha yang pintar bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dan sekalian beramal sekaligus dianggap patriotik.

Sejarah perang semesta sebenernya sudah dimulai sejak masuk V1, ketika modul perang ga lagi berdasar 1 lawan 1. Contohnya ketika perang di Perancis (kangen komiknya B0ng, si sapidermen ngeledek Amrik yg katanya mau dinner di paris tapi ga nyampe2), WSR dan ekstra tembok 200k nya, pampas yang konon tembok tertinggi waktu itu dan banyak lagi. dan siapa yang bikin damage terbanyak? bukan para battle hero teman2 tapi mereka yang namanya tak dikenal, tak dipampang. mereka yang hanya bersenjatakan q1 tapi jumlahnya ratusan bahkan ribuan.

Saya tahu dan melihat bahwa gov sudah berusaha ke sana. Tapi dengan tidak mengurangi rasa hormat, tolong berusaha lebih keras lagi. Permudah aksesnya terutama untuk mereka yg ga bisa join irc dan ym. Juga untuk para komandan BG, kalo udah terdaftar ya kasih aja lah, pasti dipake perang kok.

Saya tidak bisa menjamin kita bakal menang terus dengan sistem perlawanan rakyat semesta ini. Tapi bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kawin lagi!!! Kata Rendra (alm) perjuangan adalah pelaksanaan kata-kata. Ya ayo dilaksanakan semboyan yang sudah ngelotok di otak kita ini. Kalo punya twitter, shout dengan #eindonesiaunite!! sama kasih link juga siapa tahu ada yang ngasih.