eHungary is Really Starting to Annoy Me

Day 473, 11:32 Published in Romania Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Good evening Romania. It's getting late where you are, but it's 1:30pm (and I just woke up) out west in the barren winter wasteland of the Canadian prairies.

I'd like to quickly outline the reason I dislike eHungary.

1. At first I thought they were kind of cute, you know? So young and enthusiastic. I just wanted to pinch their cheeks and give them a dollar to buy a chocolate bar with. But now that they're getting big they've also decided they're the best thing to happen to eRepublik since sliced bagels.

2. They talk....and talk....and talk....and talk. They have 10 (yes 10) newspapers with 1000+ subscribers, and one with 2000+. Now I know they don't have that many insightful things to say...because I've read them. Those handful of articles they publish in broken English say essentially nothing, and yet they easily reach the international level time and time again. There are 3 tabs for media articles: Top Rated, Latest, Hungarian.

3. Never Give Up
Never Surrender

PEACE at home
PEACE in the world

Are you kidding me? Excuse me while I go paint the porcelain with the contents of my stomach. That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard.

4. They are way too enthusiastic about this game. Enthusiasm is great...but I mean come on. Let's go out into the sunshine every once in a while, yes? They're like that kid in school who tries waaay too hard - you know the one I'm talking about; the one who does all his homework as soon as he gets it and is disappointed if he gets a 98%.

Well that's about it. I figured that I while I was over here fighting with you guys I might as well let you know your despise of the Hungarians stretches across the globe. Well, at least with me it does.

Lastly, I apologize for not writing this in Romanian. Believe it or not, there aren't many Romanians in Saskatchewan, Canada. Must be the -40C weather.