eHun Bulletin - ukrainian NE, Pulse system

Day 1,372, 05:00 Published in Lithuania Lithuania by Petrezselyem van a zsebemben


Dear readers, now I'll write a short summary of eHun bulletin.

In this article the CP (sorihun) says our attack against Ukraine goes well and we have real chance to get grain and fish bonus. In addition he says we want to get a bonus for weapon industry too, but atm it's only a long view.

In the other part, our CP writes about the newly implemented mercenary system for our army, the Pulse. And as far as I see nowadays the Pulse system is the main thing about everyone talks. This system replaces the previous one (UFR) and numerous players presume much on it. Henceforward I can write the new system's parameters, pending activity, efficiency, percentages in battles, damage limits and so on (if anyone is really interested in it, then I'll translate these articles). The current arguement source is the Mercenary medal, cos the new system controls and punishes those who fights against Hungary and her allies, and people says that the Mercenary medal is an important part of game and this will remove a good motivation factor.

Well, this was my short summary, hope it wasn't that boring. 🙂
