eHumanitarian Crisis [Singapore]

Day 562, 09:00 Published in Singapore Belgium by Konrad Neumann

One once big country of eGermany stood proud and a testament of a new emerging country, it is now reduced to a small country of three regions: Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, and Vorarlberg. In essences, the eSwedish and ePolish aggression on eGermany reduced the nation into dust leaving countless eGermans as dying, starving, homeless refugees. Many of them are still stuck in eSweden and ePoland. Many others are still in eGermany. Regardless of where they are, they need resources not just to resist the invaders but just to survive.

This is especially true for new eGermans as they do not have the resources to afford food and other resources to survive. Especially with eGermany being conquered, eGermany is cut off from resource producing companies and as each day passes, the struggle for survival is harder and harder.

Recently I wrote 2 articles on my newspaper Better Tomorrow, The Swedes Admitting Guilt, and Operation eGenocide. I read many comments and I am pleased to see many citizens around the world are appalled by this unethical war. Many want to aid the Germans but many players are also new to this game, below level 5 and cannot fight, and/or do not have the economic resources to donate etc, that does not mean you are excluded from aiding the Germans.

There are many ways to aid the efforts. For those who can vote, tomorrow is the presidential election. Vote for the candidate you believe to restore honour back in eGovernment. For those who cannot vote or to write newspaper, you can aid by being alert with current events and news. Subscribe to important newspaper like the Bundeswehr, Der Tagliche Kampf, EU-News, Abrivianius News Inc and many other. Use your knowledge and opinions and give your comments in news articles like this. Also join the eRepublik and your party forum and voice your concerns there too. While you might not be able to directly vote until level 6 and write a newspaper at level 8, you still have the means to voice your concerns and opinions. Your contribution can influence other players which can bring change to our nation and the new world. Never be silent.

For those who own their own press, write! When I read cheesebreath’s article PTO in Brazil!!!! I am truly inspired. Former South African Nationals are resisting their oppression with a new form of PTO, press takeover. They bombard the media with pro-South African articles etc. We really need to do something similar to support our German allies around the world. We need to vote up articles that would aid to bring justice back to our government. It is time that the citizens used the press not just a means to get elected etc, but as a form of lobbying to collectively influence our government.

Just because the Swedes wanted to play war to “[url=http://]end the boredom[/url]” and to expand territory, they engaged war unjustly at the expense of eGermany. Because of their boredom, they destroy the long and hard work of many eGermans that tried to rebuild after many different times of Swedish domination, imperialism, and occupation. The eGermans deserve better and many responded to the call. While many governments like eUSA (scrabman) and eUK (Saradroz) calls for inaction fearing to provoke the Swedes and Poles, the eUSA and eUK government allow this ehumanitarian crisis to take place.

eCitizens all over the world, stand up to the injustice. Be active in the resistance. Everyone can aid the effort, from first day players, to the first player of this game. Fight, donate, vote, write articles, or just voice your opinion and concerns to this and all issues, NEVER BE SILENT!

For those who want to aid the effort, the Ruhr-Gruppe is a great place to start. They provide food and weapons as well as other resources to the needy and the displaced.