eHoroscope for Philippines

Day 1,009, 09:53 Published in Philippines Philippines by Marie von Gablitz

ARIES - expect that next week you could win in the contest organized by the Ministry of Health where you became the owner of a three eBebies you will have to take care on them to they adulthood. Possible conflicts in the home, and disagreement with some citizens, but it is a temporary because your term to stay in the house Q3 expire in a few days. Do not enter into the debate, but take more care for the messages that you recive (which by MMS which through Facebook). On the business plan improving comes which is reflected in learning new skills because from the current you do not have any benefits. Be careful when buying tickets for transportation in the 2 zone.

TAURUS - your goddess Venus has changed her sign, which will be reflected in a change of your opinion about eRepublik. You'll start to appreciate yourself more, and your status, position, start to change the avatar and value more things that brings you losses. You will Invest in the home, adorn it, but the need to purchase will have its consequences if you overeact with Q4 and Q5 standards. With a partner you will have a nice understanding, looking for more understanding of financial assistance for arranging living space. You would like to go out to the fancy # parties but you can not because less of the time.

GEMINI-You have to work a lot more and make more money, try to make everyone around you any happier. With your party members you wont agree exactly the best in the next elections because because poor financial situation. Your solution is a short travel (Sibir) because you will be more efficiently and effectively in achieving your goals when you return to the country. Your life standards will fall easily, but you will survive.

CANCER - In your character has entered the war god Mars, which will bring further deprivation of health in training wars without a hospital. You will need to be more physically active in children's playgroup (ambulance) so you miss going to work. That will cause anger to the manager who will brutally punish you with 21:14% of salary. Business and financial situation will improve, because your eWife left you when V2 come so there wont be any further affect your budget.

LEO - You become more beautiful lately and shine in full brightness, many pople noticed that , but you still hide that you are the winner of 42.25 gold you dug in Treauser map. You are polite and charming so its nice and comfortable to be in your society. Venus, the goddess and muse of art, has arrived in your royal character, and make you to speak about yourself in femals gender due the current changes in sign.In communication with others you are first and most louder, so you can easily impose your opinion on everyone for only 0:19 gold . Under 10 level citizens are playful and over 25 level citizens get crazy.

VIRGO - become more serious, matured and self-conscious, responsible, independent and never more scared as now because you realize that youre not eBeby anymore and that everyone is expecting from you a lot now. Atmosphere at work will be hard and stressful because of the manager who is checking you .It will be as he says. All of these are dangerous trends to your future dictated by your two multi accounts that can be used for blackmail from your company manager. Do not overload.

LIBRA - With arrival of the fifteenth moon everything is changing and your situation too. Someone have made a little mess in the left pan of your sign. You will bring into your business and company some multi-accounts or some eBeby.

SCORPIO - Mars is finally changed your character, he entered into a less chaotic and emotional sign of Cancer, so you'll get out of the restless waters of beautiful and happy adventure and sail into the family waters. Start of V2 will engage you to provide everything your ebabies is needing, to direct and divert them in a certain direction. Disagreements are possible, intergenerational in all three directions, so be smart and to solve the problems with various Gifts. The love is all right, your Wife have quit playing eRepublik.

SAGITTARIUS - You strive for distant ideals and some changes, with a small but significant help from your party members that will not happen. Shorter trips have their own meaning, but sometimes they look ridiculous. Be patient and more realistic so you dont start to believe in a fake horoscopes. With financial situation you are not satisfied and the saving in malaysian bank is recommended. You have good connections and realitionships with foreign countries and opportunities for a BH medal.

CAPRICORN - The expansion of the business plan is still going on, so it is quite realistic and recommended expand of the working capacity and hire some new people in your Q2 and Q4 factories. You have a good relationship with a male person with the initials EB, with who you can solve, organize and regulate all of the current situations and problems. Be positive because you have no other choice.

AQUARIUS - Every day is a new chance to create a fairy tale of your life . But some dreams will cost you and you will be angry at yourself because you didnt sufficiently protected yourself but opened yourself to another's bad influence. Be pesimist because you have no other choice. Some finacial and health difficulties slow you for some time.You can again fall in love quite romantic. Seduction is mutual.

PISCES - Because work will engage and tire you, you will be very easy prey for hackers, and we recommend to transfer all property to the account Marie Von Gablitz where it will be safe during frequent attacks. For many representatives of this character the time you've been waiting is coming. Uranus planet has changed into Jupiter, the symbol who manage your astrology career house will enter into the astronomical horror house.Reduce using of eat button.

Special thank to Anti Pirat who helped me with this article.
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